If you don't speak Arabic, it's just sound. Like an alarm clock. There's no reason to object, really, unless it disturbs you in a specific way. If you sleep in, then you'd be upset about the timing, and not the content, of the early call to prayer.
Point taken. And I understand being offended vs being offensive. I personally share your view and feel that much of these things we worry about (symbols & gestures) are impotent without the necessary intent. I think perhaps what people aren't articulating is that Islam (whether hijacked or not) is a religion with barbaric behaviors. Not used to be...but currently IS. I hear that argument all the time...more people have been killed in the name of Christianity blah blah blah...but that is a 'was', not an 'is', speaking in terms of the church, not individual crazies.
Since we expect to not be associated with wrong actions of past church transgressions we should extend the same to Islam. The problem is...the relative silence of the muslim communities in response to the horrors a faction of it commits this very day. Yeah, we hear the random cleric condemn things when a major event happens, but it doesn't seem like the religion as a whole is fighting the association.
And THAT is what I think is the problem. Blasting out their call to prayer is like boasting that they oppress, stone and behead in the name of that god they're praying to in a country of 'infidels' that has given them a haven.
How many Muslims do you talk to In a normal day? How many have you asked their opinions on the violence others in their religion in other parts of the world commit? Regular people are condemning it every day, though I feel like many people in this forum are so full of disgust at the thought of Muslims that they would never be able to get through a normal, unoffending conversation with a Muslim. The fact is that the violence perpetrated by Muslim individuals in the name of Islam is a small minority compared to the world.
Would you deny Christ and stop being a Christian if Christians in Indonesia (just an example) started committing terrorist acts against others? Would you stop your daily worship routine, stop going to church? People aren't going to abandon the tradition of their religions because a minority are committing violence in it's name, as I assume you would not stop worshiping Jesus if the situation were reversed. You don't want to be known for the transgressions committed by Christians, and you should extend the same courtesy to your Muslim brothers and sisters.
The Muslim call to prayer is not offensive. Churches all over the land ring bells every day, especially Sunday. Settle down.
The difference is that bells are not prayers. There are no christian words being spoken. They serve merely as 'alarm clocks'.
To hell with that shit. LITERALLY
If you don't speak Arabic, it's just sound. Like an alarm clock. There's no reason to object, really, unless it disturbs you in a specific way. If you sleep in, then you'd be upset about the timing, and not the content, of the early call to prayer.
“Imma roll over and neuter myself cuz I don’t speak Arabic.” IT IS SATANIC, all of it.
Not quite. Nice try though.
OK, finally, a legitimate complaint. If it violates the noise ordinance, then they should quiet down.
Point taken. And I understand being offended vs being offensive. I personally share your view and feel that much of these things we worry about (symbols & gestures) are impotent without the necessary intent. I think perhaps what people aren't articulating is that Islam (whether hijacked or not) is a religion with barbaric behaviors. Not used to be...but currently IS. I hear that argument all the time...more people have been killed in the name of Christianity blah blah blah...but that is a 'was', not an 'is', speaking in terms of the church, not individual crazies.
Since we expect to not be associated with wrong actions of past church transgressions we should extend the same to Islam. The problem is...the relative silence of the muslim communities in response to the horrors a faction of it commits this very day. Yeah, we hear the random cleric condemn things when a major event happens, but it doesn't seem like the religion as a whole is fighting the association.
And THAT is what I think is the problem. Blasting out their call to prayer is like boasting that they oppress, stone and behead in the name of that god they're praying to in a country of 'infidels' that has given them a haven.
Sure, just know that it's the same God, the God of Abraham, same as yours and mine. Allah, Yahweh, tomato, tomahto.
How many Muslims do you talk to In a normal day? How many have you asked their opinions on the violence others in their religion in other parts of the world commit? Regular people are condemning it every day, though I feel like many people in this forum are so full of disgust at the thought of Muslims that they would never be able to get through a normal, unoffending conversation with a Muslim. The fact is that the violence perpetrated by Muslim individuals in the name of Islam is a small minority compared to the world.
Would you deny Christ and stop being a Christian if Christians in Indonesia (just an example) started committing terrorist acts against others? Would you stop your daily worship routine, stop going to church? People aren't going to abandon the tradition of their religions because a minority are committing violence in it's name, as I assume you would not stop worshiping Jesus if the situation were reversed. You don't want to be known for the transgressions committed by Christians, and you should extend the same courtesy to your Muslim brothers and sisters.