Oh F**k Off Bill Gates With Your Phony Meat and Chemtrail Induced Climate Crisis Already!!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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Keep on eye on this M-fer too: Yuval Noah Harari works for Klaus. (Vulva Harari)
Humans are Hack-able. - Yuval Harari: https://www.bitchute.com/video/c10izmodB9rw/
Humans are not needed❗- Yuval Harari - https://www.bitchute.com/video/EF5n8tlCVlSL/
I saw his name a few times, and eventually clicked he was one who said after they hacked humans, they would destroy their will as well. They all need to swing.
Saw a pic with Vulva (nice anagram!) and Russell Brand on GAW in New section earlier.
It's like someone saying: "I've learned how to turn your eyeballs backwards so you can see your own brain".
"The Plan" had better include the extermination of Gates and his kind.
And it better come to fruition soon or they will have their way with us in a manner that cannot be escaped.
How about the 1% of the world eat that phony meat and leave the real beef, pork, etc for the 99%ers. For climate change, 1% get rid of all your "toys", including private jets, yachts, big boats, etc.
How much do you want to bet that we would be eating tasteless quivering blobs of frankenmeat while Gates is enjoying filet mignon from a real cow in his fabulous mansion? No cameras please.
The pattern never changes. It's always rules for thee but not for me. (Think DiCaprio jetting around, spewing literal tons of carbon into the air while he tells us we must make sacrifices to reduce our carbon footprint, or Democrat politicians flouting their own rules to go maskless at parties.) The white privilege narrative that comes entirely from these self-styled elites seems like a projection to me, a way to distract us from where the real sin lies. It's the arrogant rich take-over-everything New World Order you-will-own-nothing-and-be-happy types who have all the privilege. And guess what? They stole it from the rest of us, whom they view as stupid cattle they get to manage, goading us into wars for their profit, ruining education to make us unable to think well enough to catch them, and taking our resources through every financial instrument they could devise to rape us blind.
Their hands are filthy with rivers of blood. No way to wash that off.
Away with them all.
How about the British version of that, "You can fuck RIGHT OFF, Gates!"
Here in Japan, they changed "cow farts" to "cow burps" so as not to sound too moronic, which is futile because both are absurd. They started on the "cow burps" bandwagon about a half year ago at least. People here believe whatever their stupid TV tells them. So much for East Asians having higher IQs.