Things are getting very bad economically and only getting worse. This stuff is going to be more common place. Now add to it the potential for the suicides related to the Q posts, and how that will spread far and wide, and it’s crazy to think how this all plays out. All I can think about is the poor people who were there just minding their business and wanting to have a good day, or were there because they work there, who’s lives are now forever changed. From what I understand this is like the 3rd time in the last few years at that place, and some of the workers there were witness to all of these situations. That’s gotta be hard to live with…
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Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA. They defied the lockdowns, sued the state and won. Never asked for masks, often preached faith over fear, and faith as more important than government or its stupid laws. Grew a lot in the last two years. Just started a homeschool support system.
Took me a while before I found them. They're a good 40 minutes away. All the more local churches caved, running like pretend firemen scared of the fire.