Further testing will be done in the next days. And there will be a 'talk', nurse says. Tells me they are not expecting an easy recovery and probably have a good clue already. What that might be, they are not saying. Let's wait for that talk.
Problems with limbs have been seen ever since this started - blod clots, anemia - I just hope worse can still be averted.
Just wanted to post conversation wise. Family had been really lucky so far. Really exceptionally difficult times these.
edit - 60+, smoker, and yes, vaxxed
edit - thanks everyone, all of these comments are very helpful.
edit - (5 days after posting)
Lung cancer was detected the first days in hospital, but they've since retracted that and it is now 'could be cancer, still not sure'. Transferred to a big hospital on the 2nd day. Many tests done, and still ongoing. It is now mostly "rare disease, not seen before". The doctor is a newbie. Just graduated or not yet (not sure now, but it was something like that.) Initial pain has gone but there is also no big improvement.... [sub-edit: the condition is centered around blood abnormality, and 'red blood cells are eating white blood cells' - sounds to me like the blood / immune system is broken - and cancer would be secondary - just adding this for the record]
Not having a working immune system really sucks. Stay unvaxxed, everyone.
No pains or aches whatsoever, until this came along. They still don't know. I updated the post.