Just finished watching the movie Deja Vu with Denzel Washington (sad to see Jim Caviezel play the bad guy) and yeah, I know it's Hollywood, but I couldn't help wondering at the end if Denzel's character actually knew why he felt like he knew Claire or was just acting like he didn't know her from the last four days.
I'm actually posting this after reading some doomers fussing about "get on with it already..."
Here's my take on this entire "awakening" -- now that I have watched that movie: The knowledge that we all now have - well, it comes with some responsibility and a lot of patience, because, really the fact is we didn't have to be here. The white hats could have lost the grip on Project Looking Glass and it could have fallen into the wrong hands. Maybe 45 wouldn't have accepted the pleading to help save us. It's clear as day in John 10:10 "The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy." So, why are we surprised that the Bible wasn't kidding?
So, along that same vein - why are we discouraged when Q proofs literally show us time and time again that Q was right -- over and over and over. Do we awake Patriots truly believe or don't we? What did we do to deserve peace and prosperity, joy, and abundance?
I'm guilty of drumming my fingers on my desk and looking at my watch. But what if I fell into a deep sleep and woke up and was back a day before my personal rabbit hole wake-up call? What if I got up and walked over to my computer and there was no GAW bookmark? No Q anything anywhere? What if my ungratefulness and impatience caused God to just decide that He can't trust me so he wiped away my awakening?
If we didn't have all these glimpses into the "future proves past" thing, we wouldn't even know that the best WILL be coming. Are ya'll picking up what I'm putting down?
All I'm saying is that we know what we know ... but nobody promised us anything. Nobody owes us a living, or happiness. Each of us may have even played a part in our own demise - mainly because of routines and complacency. Our kids got messed up in colleges that we paid for, now they hate us because our great-grandparents owned a slave or three. So, the fact that we are so blessed to have been granted the Q hope, and the Q promises should not be cause for making the next Patriot feel doubt or despair because of the date-fagging of another.
I bet that if we all humbled ourselves and prayed, and turned from our wicked ways (anger, pride, hatred, selfish demands, laziness, bad habits) maybe, just maybe the MOAB will finally BOOM.
'just sayin'
If God is in control then everyone is where they need to be and doing what they need to be doing, myself included, consider that next time you want to assume something about me.
This does not make your words correct. God often uses peoples false thoughts to test our faith. I will carry on with what God has put in my heart. Trump is just another man. Christ knows my heart
How does this make my words incorrect? God is in control, everyone is where they need to be doing what they need to be doing. Both of us, everyone else. Our conversation isn't for us, you have already decided that. If God sent me to test your Faith then have it tested!
False thoughts? I support my thoughts with the Bible.
Feel how you will, I am just watching a good many throw themselves back into the hands of man. Forbidden for a reason.
You specifically have started enjoying bolstering a particular family to rule
You specifically made it about me. Which started this whole thing. If u would Have said broadly that we shouldnt make trump into a God I would gladly agree. This is why I said your attaching motive to MY words. Understand?
No, because you do not.
You have done as I have said you have done. I pointed it out because you wanted an example. The start of our talk was not about singling anyone out. If you are a follower of Christ though, you should be more focused on him and not space force or trump. They are nothing before the Father. This is the whole thing. Followers of Christ are to be satisfied through him alone, just as God's chosen before Christ were to be satisfied through God alone. We are not of this world.