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That's already happening somewhere else.
They have to separate the court cases, it's not just one big case nor is it just one operation.
Our people are smart, you have to do things with timing, layers of conversations all ending up in the same place.
The Trump haters are starting to realize that Trump isn't just "never losing" but he's winning his cases! Stormy Daniels owes some money to Trump after everything that was done to defame.
Trumps election fraud has been his own project, touting every case win in every state and being very active with recommendations to vote out the more local state level corruption as best he can en-masse. Slowly showing his cases are always being thrown out because they won't take his evidence.
Cue to The media censorship CNN has been bad business and scandals all the way up and down. The corrupt news/journalists has been exposed by project veritas. Where they cite making a big deal over Jan 6th knowing it was bullshit, then doing a 1-year piece to play it back as not a big deal and move on. Now it's heating up because they never wanted Jan 6th to not have an easy answer for them. They can't find anything incriminating to tell their story that it was some sort of coup! It was a bad bait, and they got caught and are trying to spin the story!
The gender/babies/lgtbq crowd all kinda reigned in by Corrupt supreme court pick while simultaneously they are trying to pull one over with Justice Clarence Thomas being in the hospital and now his wife's texts with Jan 6th. But people are having a hard time feeling like the trans agenda and "don't say gay" changing into "Ok, Groomer" and people don't like how closely tied Disney is with furthering a sexually extreme topic to such a young crowd so overtly telling you what is and isn't ok with no tolerance of parents rights to decide for themselves, who knows where that thread is going still!
The Ukraine crowd are drawn into the "Everything bad is Russia's fault including trump" they're coerced to see Russia succeed without radically going to every accusation Russia is gonna do something terrible. It's only to my knowledge been alleged that it was Russia with blind faith. But now the economy is thriving they are working out some diplomatics while holding their objectives they set out to do (as they laid out in their Phase I type discussions)
THIS is where FISA drama meets Russia drama because the Part linking the Russians directly to the enemy is the payments from the Moscow Mayor that Trump JUST asked for publicly and it made headlines and people are giving him shit for it but they don't know he's winning everything so far.
That opens up Ukraine corruption and business dealings with the members of government that did Ukraine business. Ukrainian bio-labs/weapons set up from the Obama administration too
The Clintons stuff will take forever to get thru but it'll start with the pay to play via the Clinton Foundation and Ukrainian donations being the largest contributor and then that goes so far from the U1 deal to the war in the Middle East and things we just can't fathom I bet how corrupt it deep it goes. That's the racketeering part that the laptop could shed light on.
We also get Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the house because her son Paul Pelosi is in the Ukrainian energy sector like Hunter Biden was. That is where we enter the laptop to show the connected stories are authenticated. The laptop is key.
It's either too much research or not enough. I don't have enough yarn and new clippings either.
Perfectly said! It really is all about timing and allowing all of it to drip out so that in the end we unite! Against the corruption, for our children, and our country!
Id be willing to bet that a lot of the sealed indictments are related to the Clinton Foundation. There was a GJ convened on it in Arkansas, I think around January 2018, and we have heard squat about it for 4 years. And Ive never heard any news that the GJ was dismissed. Hubers investigation was as tight as Durhams. I bet the farm they FISAd the shit out of the Clintons. Enough to convict them for treason.
Events are quickly approaching critical mass. It has the normies attention. Even if they cant connect the dots yet, they do see them.
After reading this in my mind all I can see is that Trump picture where is the painter pulling back the curtain on a masterpiece.