-The marketing of madness - the truth about psychotropic drugs (https://www.bitchute.com/video/S8Bis8kdfqt1/?list=favorites&randomize=false) >>excellent video/documentary from pre-2012. Extremely relevant with many parallels to current covid situation. A bit longer of a video but 100% worth the watch.
Couple of videos sort of related to the topic:
-Cult of the medics (https://www.bitchute.com/video/eUSnvBp9gtai/?list=EsB4nXcHrKzm&randomize=false) >> covers current covid false information being perpetuated by medical and media complex.
-The marketing of madness - the truth about psychotropic drugs (https://www.bitchute.com/video/S8Bis8kdfqt1/?list=favorites&randomize=false) >>excellent video/documentary from pre-2012. Extremely relevant with many parallels to current covid situation. A bit longer of a video but 100% worth the watch.