Walt Disney was a pedophile, an occultist and a Freemason. The foundation of Disney is homosexuality and pedophilia.
He molested Disney child star Bobby Driscoll. As Bobby matured, Disney dropped him when he got too old for his taste. Driscoll went on to have a miserable life, became a drug addict and died in middle age, homeless and alone. He was buried in an unmarked pauper's grave on Hart Island, where he remains.
I'm not convinced that this didn't start with Walt. And be sure you cancel Disney plus. If you subsidize something, you get more of it.
It did start with Walt.
Walt Disney was a pedophile, an occultist and a Freemason. The foundation of Disney is homosexuality and pedophilia.
He molested Disney child star Bobby Driscoll. As Bobby matured, Disney dropped him when he got too old for his taste. Driscoll went on to have a miserable life, became a drug addict and died in middle age, homeless and alone. He was buried in an unmarked pauper's grave on Hart Island, where he remains.
Bobby Driscoll: March 3, 1937 - March 30, 1968: https://img.discogs.com/enKn9OqiORcipyKn_wtBL2HAYlM=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-310192-1437117371-7982.jpeg.jpg
I'm pretty sure Walt would turn over in his grave - not because of the evil agenda - just because Dem's are not subtle enough about it.
You sure. I'm not.