He isn't a good guy, but it's looking more and more like he was not only raised as a sex slave but he was obligated and trained to work for his pops in corrupt business deals around the world. Seems like he did in fact purposely release his own laptop.
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Absolutely think Hunter was used by his pervert father as was his sister, Ashley, and probably, Beau too.
That said, geez louise, did Hunter have to take so many pictures of his dick?
I haven't seen the pics. But nothing wrong with taking dick pics of your own dick... Especially if its a good lookin' dick. I mean, Wouldn't you be proud if you had a good looking dick?
You think Trump doesn't have dick pics if he's got a good lookin dick?
I have at least 4 or 5 pictures of my dick on my phone. Admittedly, I'm hoping my phone gets hacked and the pictures are leaked to the public... (Because I have a good lookin dick, so leaked photos would only benefit me)
But what do dick pics have to do with anything?
You're being retarded If you focus on dick pics......
Now if you're sending them unsolicited to people in general, and especially underage people....That's a whole different story.
But nothing wrong with a good ol dick pick.
EDit: also you're being retarded if you vilify him for his drug use. Obviously he shouldn't be doing deals with ukraine on china as a crack head.... But Vilifying him for being an addict, is no bueno.
I Would bet any amount of money that the majority of posters on this forum, are "on" something. Whether it be Alcohol, Weed, but the majority is probably legalized Meth. Aka Adderal.
Maybe I'm just projecting.... Well I definitely am.... but I also Know I'm correct :/ It's hard to be completely sober when trying to expose a global satanic pedophile network. Just what it is.
Yep lol. Got a friend who grew up on the generic version of Adderall which is apparently the best kind. Grew up to be meth head/dealer. It was funny getting to know about the inner circle of some pro gamers in his orbit. I'm a bit younger than him so as a teen we all thought they were just abusing Adderall since it's easy to get. Nope. Motherfuckers were abusing meth and coke to put in the insane hours required to compete with some of Europe's top players. The stories are entertaining as fuck but it always ends with him being sad all of his friends' lives were slowly destroyed by their addiction.
Lmao I always thought taking pictures of ones own dick was an absurd thing to do. Much less to actually send them out to chicks.
Like wtf is she going to do with a picture of your dick? Drool over it and rub herself with her phone?
Nah that bitch is going to hold onto it until the day you two are no longer on good terms, and now she has ammo against you.
I can't tell you how many women have asked me for a dick pic of me to have while i was away, only for me to end up being extremely thankful later that I never ended up sending one because she pissed me off or we stopped talking altogether.
Bro. YOu are adding a lot of factors to this equation that i've never once brought up.
Of course one doesnt send out random dick pics to chicks...But if you're in a realtionship with a chick, And you a have good lookin dick.... The Chick you're in the relationship, will Enjoy the picture of your dick. This isn't rocket science homie.
I don't what your dick looks like... But if it s a good lookin dick, and you have a chick that likes you.... she will enjoy a pic of your good lookin dick. Again, This is not complicated.
In full disclosure... MOst dudes don't have good looking dicks... So I'm not saying it will work for you. But if you have a good looking dick, And a chick that likes you... A good dick pic is a good thing to have. That's all I'm saying.... Ironically, The only thing that makes it "Good" are the copius amount of "Bad" dick picks... So you just be careful and confident to assume you fall into the "Good" category.
Haha well ill agree with the second half. The hottest chick I've ever slept with told me the same thing. She paused a few moments into giving me head for the first time and said, "you know, most guys have really gross looking dicks, but yours is really pretty".
To which I chuckled and replied, "wow that's a pretty awesome compliment. Thanks". Haha so that lines up exactly with what you claimed.
Unfortunately I've always self destructed every monogamous relationship i ever found myself in or almost getting into, so I've only had friends with benefits (albeit quite an above average amount) so ive never trusted a woman to that extent lol