From Praying Medic: " . . . The frantic rush to destroy society and usher in the Great Reset is evidence that they [Cabal] know they don't have much time. . . . They're racing against the clock. They [Cabal] know Trump is coming back. And with his return comes the storm that will destroy them."

This cat always posts superficially plausible opinions as all but certain, but they tend to lack much of an underpinning of a logically convincing or in depth analysis. I bother to read these screenshots of his posts just to get a pulse on the Q-based-influencer's massive audience, since I doubt he gets much pushback... but honestly he has to take predictably optimistic (safe) positions like this because his reputation, his brand, sort of hangs on it. Kind of like X22 I suppose. CAVEAT EMPTOR
I think it would behoove more people to invite a larger and more sobering variety of analyses of the state of affairs, how we got here, and a way forward that doesn't necessarily hinge on faith in a specific superhero/savior returning to fix all these apparently fast-tracked problems. All of these influencers are all saying basically the same thing: Everything getting so much worse for all of us is actually proof that everything will be made right again, very soon.
Risk analysis in something like survivalist methodology dictates that one lays out all possible known options including the very real possibility of worst case scenario, so that a sobering decision making session can be made without the sabotages of confirmation bias, experiential precedent, and the risk excluding phenomenon of emotion under duress (going to one's happy place).
The biggest challenge one faces in the presence of uncertainties and seemingly insurmountable obstacles is to avoid simply looking at the footsteps of the leader of your group, getting into a sort of passive trance, but to dig deeper within oneself to draw from the strength reserves that are always there, and to continue to look around and be aware of one's surroundings, so you can always re-assess and review decisions as needed and not simply FOLLOW someone else's lead who decided they know the path out of a situation. You'd simply be trusting in THEIR capacity to dig deep and be aware, when that may not be the case at all.