Heard an hour or so ago via Alexander reporting from Ukraine. Muripol is all but in Russian hands. From 14,000 Ukrainian corps held up in the massive steelworks , there are down to around a couple of thousand. Ukrainian launched a missile which hit a Russian oil depot. Russia sent two missiles back, destroying REFINERIES which supply diesel and guess who uses diesel? The Ukrainian military. Also it is being reported that their equipment is so depleted that they are commandeering civilian vehicles.
Heard an hour or so ago via Alexander reporting from Ukraine. Muripol is all but in Russian hands. From 14,000 Ukrainian corps held up in the massive steelworks , there are down to around a couple of thousand. Ukrainian launched a missile which hit a Russian oil depot. Russia sent two missiles back, destroying REFINERIES which supply diesel and guess who uses diesel? The Ukrainian military. Also it is being reported that their equipment is so depleted that they are commandeering civilian vehicles.