No saying anyone would do this, since I think the dollars days are numbered, but an interesting mathematical exercise.
Of course, this number assumes no overheads in the transactions etc. so would be less, but still.
Start: $100,000
$1 = 83.59R
$100,000 = 8,359,000R
Fixed price for Gold in Rubles = 5000/g
8,359,000/5000 = 1,671.8g of Gold
Spot price for gold $62.52/g
1671.8g * $62.52 = $104,520.94
That's a 4.52% gain.
I would have loved to buy up rubles and Russian stocks while there are in the gutter a few weeks ago but of course us plebs are blocked from doing so because of sanctions while you know the banksters were finding ways to profit on this in the background.