Yep, couldn't agree with you more. We have a peaceful nature about us because that is what we learned in church regarding Jesus's teachings. He did overturn the money changers tables, though. The Revolutionary War kicked off because of a tax on tea. Long bloody war and we gained our freedoms from an oppressive government. If you want freedom you had better be ready to shed some of your own blood, otherwise we will continue to go down this dark path until the end of time. But once we start, there will be no pulling back on the reigns. Libs better be scared because once the AMERICAN FREEDOM PARTY re: (Boston Tea Party) ensues, they will have bullseye on themselves.
Yep, couldn't agree with you more. We have a peaceful nature about us because that is what we learned in church regarding Jesus's teachings. He did overturn the money changers tables, though. The Revolutionary War kicked off because of a tax on tea. Long bloody war and we gained our freedoms from an oppressive government. If you want freedom you had better be ready to shed some of your own blood, otherwise we will continue to go down this dark path until the end of time. But once we start, there will be no pulling back on the reigns. Libs better be scared because once the AMERICAN FREEDOM PARTY re: (Boston Tea Party) ensues, they will have bullseye on themselves.