Families now bailing on Disney parks, films, merchandise over company’s insanely “woke” counterculture push that seems steeped in pedophilia
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Let me tell you what this really is … this is the single greatest gift fathers across the country have ever received. If u have ever driven 8-12 hours to spend a week at either of the two amusement park hell holes with the kiddos, drop an entire paycheck on rats, ducks, and a nightly fireworks show …. You get it. Right now there are THOUSANDS of dads doing the happy dance. Am I saying they dont really give a shit about this woke retardation? No. Not at all. However, this get out of hell free gift from the leftards is like finding an unopened bottle of pappy in grandpas workshop. Moms have no defense against the “We aint supportin’ no fukin Pedos” argument.
THANKS FUKTARDS!!!! Daddys goin camping and fishing!!!!