I'm betting joint venture. Truth will do the Facebook stuff and Twiiter will be Truth's "messanger" In other words, it will still fully be twiiter as it was but it also have a Truth account attacked to it. Private message on truth will be a DM on FB & post on Truth will be a tweet & vica versa. This will FORCE the normies to already have a truth account. :P lol It seems too brilliant so it must be. It's only fair too, this way Elon is not just helping the cause of free speech but he will profit from it. It's only right.
I'm betting joint venture. Truth will do the Facebook stuff and Twiiter will be Truth's "messanger" In other words, it will still fully be twiiter as it was but it also have a Truth account attacked to it. Private message on truth will be a DM on FB & post on Truth will be a tweet & vica versa. This will FORCE the normies to already have a truth account. :P lol It seems too brilliant so it must be. It's only fair too, this way Elon is not just helping the cause of free speech but he will profit from it. It's only right.
Plus the added pleasure of seeing fackbook fail