This is a thread to discuss game theory tactics. I’d like to hear what anons strategy would be.
This Q posts describes the situation:
Here is game theory:
Game theory is often described in Red vs Blue games.
Here is game theory for the more technical:
Scenario: How do you defeat an opponent who controls most of the communications?
Let’s analyze your goals:
1.) You need to communicate and coordinate with your allies across a communication system that is almost entirely controlled by the enemy. How do you accomplish this without your message being detected or compromised by the enemy?
2.) You need to hinder the enemies ability to communicate with its allies across a communication system that it has almost complete control over. How do you accomplish this? Do you seize it by force? Do you speak across it in coded language?
3.) You need to counter their mass-push of propaganda through their control of the communication systems.
Advantages and disadvantages:
Enemy advantages:
1.) They can surveil, censor, dox, and brigade you and your allies through their control of the communication system. They can force you to rely on cryptic and coded language to get any message through. Open communications are too risky.
2.) They can mass-push their own propaganda to terrorize and demoralize your allies and the unaware sheep. They can control “reality” in the sense of shaping the narrative. They can set the algorithms to mass push their lies and make them seem like truth. Shills and bots can work to dismantle, demoralize, and spread propaganda disguised as “believable truths”. You can create hundreds of fake social media accounts with video and posts to make certain lies look true. Shills push “All the videos can’t all be fake, can they?” Many will be deceived.
3.) They control celebs and high profile figures. Those who are “trusted” push the narrative to the masses to make it easier to swallow the lies. Sheep can’t believe everyone is lying to them, especially not a trusted figure.
4.) They have vast and seemingly infinite resources. Manpower. Wealth.
Your advantages:
1.) You have the ability to observe, hack, and spy on the enemy communications (NSA, FISA). You can detect their game chat communications. You can terrorize the enemy into fearing open communication. You can monitor and watch what they say and coordinate. You can make them afraid to talk openly about their plans. You can force them to rely on symbolism communication and coded language. Open communications are too risky for them. They must resort to cryptic and coded language to coordinate.
2.) You have military forces. Seals. You have infiltrated forces deeply into their side.
They have forces infiltrated among the friendly sheep and can do false flags to manipulate.
They also have their highly trained and covert forces. They also have tens of thousands of sleepers. Sleepers are literally everywhere. Many sleeper cells have MK Ultra victims who can be driven toward murder spree and take out civilian or witness targets.
3.) They have cameras, spy apps on social media and ability to observe everywhere and track targets. You have the same ability. You can’t remove their ability to spy. They can’t remove your ability to spy. What they see, you can see. One advantage. You can cut off their access to the spy satellites. Both of you have nearly limitless spy data. Their spy data can be hacked by your systems. Anything they see. You can see. What they try to delete you can find.
4.) Your structure is nimble and quick to adapt. Members are allowed autonomy and to make quick decisions in response to changing circumstances.
Enemy Disadvantages:
1.) Both you and the enemy must protect massive territories. You must protect large civilian territories. They must protect communication and speech territories. You must protect lives. They can use that against you. They much protect and prevent Truth and Dissent. You can use that against them.
They must protect cash flow networks (drugs, trafficking, criminal arms ect.).
2.) Pyramid structure is top-down management. Hard to adapt. It’s not nimble. Middle and lower elements are not encouraged to make independent decisions. They must away for signal form the top for change of plan. Majority are unaware of who their orders really come from. Not trained to think. Only obey. Can’t adapt. The Fox Strategy makes it hard for them to react quickly. Very weak to misinformation and sabotage. Brainwashing makes them unable to understand the real situation. They will not easily accept new information. They can’t react properly. Any decision or change of strategy requires weeks, even months, of symbolism and coded communications. They are very good at destroying and creating division. They are very poor at unity and forming a cohesive unit.
Game theory tactics:
1.) The Fox strategy: Look crazy. Look unpredictable. Keep your enemy looking here, but attack here. Create many distractions (Lin Wood. Pillow guy). Be highly unpredictable and at times random. Make it hard for the enemy to see the attack coming. Being crazy and wild is a strategy. Look at the clown. Not over here. Use shock and awe strategy to keep your enemy off-balanced and confused. I.e. “I can’t believe he said that…”
You don’t make sense. They are left confused and frustrated.
Be aware that the enemy can and will employ the same tactic.
This tactic is highly effective on sheep who will attempt to make “sense” of your behavior.
2.) Know your enemy better than they know themselves. If you know what drives them, you control them. I.e people who fear losing will only work not to lose. If they fear “people waking up and finding out their corruption” use their terror of this to keep them chasing you. “Look DECLASS”. They are constantly trying to prevent and put out the fires. They are constantly trying to prevent the boogeyman of DECLASS . If you have everything, then when could you drop it. You have the advantage of timing.
advantage of attacker: the attacker chooses the time, place, and method of the attack. When will they strike?
3.) Aim for the enemy’s enforcement arms. (Remove the criminal network. You see this in Trump and Sessions mass-push to break MS-13 and other cartel networks. These are the criminal arms of the DS. Largely dismantled. Read the news. El Salvador just mass arrested over 6,000 MS-13 and Barrio Members on 4/4). Prior attempts by countries to break the criminal networks led to clown “prison breaks”. Covid Mass release is an attempt to maintain criminal networks. Loss of criminal arms would be a loss of enforcement and censorship element of communications. Critical to maintaining monopoly on communications and prevention of DECLASS.
Your Priority target: criminal arms of enemy. Break before DECLASS.
Loss of criminal arms = loss of cash flow and loss of ability to remove potential witnesses and terrorize others into silence.
Loss of arms = loss of control.
Enemy will work hard to prevent the loss of arms. All resources will be expended to prevent this.
4.) Jamming And Sabotage Use the enemies symbol system against them. Send out false communications to their cells in the form of symbolism. Without open communications they cannot clarify. Have your own infiltration in their ranks PUSH more Left to the point of absurdity. Don’t moderate. Don’t pull back. Go MORE Left. Till the normies are alienated. Run their talking points until the engine explodes. Their followers are emotional. They live for feelings. When the DS tried to pivot to a moderate stance, call them a sell out and push for their followers to GO MORE LEFT. DS cannot appeal to independents. Any attempt to moderate will alienate their highly emotional followers who have no ability to think rationally at this point.
DS tries to pull back on Climate Change. PUSH FOR BANNING ALL THE FUELS.
DS tries to pull back on the unpopular GUN CONTROL. PUSH FOR MORE GUN CONTROL.
Use your infiltrators on their side to PUSH HARD ON ISSUES THE NORMIES HATE.
Saboteurs can’t be distinguished from the actual Leftists who believe this. DS no longer has the ability to moderate.
No ability to moderate its base = loss of control This is sabotage. They can’t moderate. The infiltrators only grow stronger as they hammer on the emotions of the cult followers who don’t want to moderate their behaviors.
Not an issue for your side since your base is quite moderate (even though MSM screams they are radical for taking mainstream opinions that appeal to the vast majority of sheep).
They attempt the same on your side, but fail. The loss of moderates on theirs cripples the ability to create “the other”. When their moderates are flocking to vote republican, calling “all republican voters as radicals” is now just calling their own former voters as radicals.
5.) Create Alternate Communications They will attempt shut down or derail.
They control most social media and news network. They have ability to demoralize and push mass fear.
They can create false narrative. They can turn the sheep against you. Paint you as the enemy (Q supporters = terrorists)
You create Q Awakening project = attempt to circumvent the enemy’s mass fear push abilities and to establish comms that can blend in among “Q supporters”. There anons and then there are comms-aware anons. How does the enemy distinguish? Attempt to remove all Q supporters to destroy this communication system.
Back channels are necessary.
Truth social is closed, but it is a back channel outside their control. Since it is not public, the enemy must join to see what is being messaged. Now the table turns. Now you control the communication infrastructure and can observe. They must work ON YOUR network.
Highly useful to create a free communication system that is not monitored by the enemy. Enemy must expend resources infiltrating YOUR network.
Rather than attempt this they will attempt to deplatform or derail with bots and shills.
This was my attempt at Game Theory. I’d love to hear other peoples thoughts. If you had to fight an enemy through their communication system what would be your strategy? Would you attempt to seize it by force? How would you communicate and get the message out? Use game theory. What advantages would you have? What advantages do they have? I’d be interested in other anons ideas.
Q, is that you?! Although I read the example above and the first article on Game Theory, I don't have a mind that is strategic enough to work this one out. But I will enjoy watching the replies here if anons take the bait and run with it.
EDIT: I failed to mention, the PUSH examples given above did make some sense. I've always thought that the Left / DS were outing themselves so blatantly that it seemed ridiculous.... but maybe I was mistaken and these were the moves of white hats operating behind enemy lines. Hmmm.....
EDIT 2: We are, after all, watching a movie.
Haha. I hope some will.
Think of it this way. What if you were trying to communicate with a hostage inside an enemy base. The enemy has complete control over the phone. They are listening to what you say to hostages. They can hang up the call. How do you coordinate and communicate with the hostages without getting them killed and without the enemy detecting the message?
Furthermore, let's say you have saboteurs within the enemy's ranks. They're dead if detected. They can only hear your message when the enemy puts the phone on speaker. How do you communicate with those hidden among the enemy and the hostages using a communication system that the enemy has complete control over?
How do you create an alternative way to contact both the hostages and your double agents without it being detected?
For some odd reason, a scenario from the Vietnam War came to mind. US prisoners of war (POWs) were photographed by the Vietnamese (who knew absolutely nothing of our culture) to show to the world; and many in the photo were smiling and holding up their middle fingers. When asked about it, the POWs told their captors that it meant "good luck" in America. It was a PR disaster for the N. Vietnamese when the entire world saw American POWs giving their captors the bird.
There's a reason why Trump is so hard on McCain. Vietnam PoWs need to be treated with a grain of salt. Even the stories designed to ingratiate ourselves to them. Unfortunately.
I suspect McNoName being Vietnams best fighter pilot had a little more to do with it.