Right? Look at the parallels of Haberman with Boehlert - both rabid shill prog writers with one point of view - progressivism in the extreme, both apparently paid operatives, not really journos, Haberman shilled for Shillary, and Boehlert was like Biden's last living promoter.
Maybe this...
What if it is required (by the satanist) for trafficking handlers (conductors) to suicide in this manner?
Really gives you perspective on everyone who has been killed by a train.
I thought that message was for Maggie Haberman.
Cant drops have multiple uses? Wasnt maggie a handler? Obama sure did like her grand kid if I remember correctly....
Right? Look at the parallels of Haberman with Boehlert - both rabid shill prog writers with one point of view - progressivism in the extreme, both apparently paid operatives, not really journos, Haberman shilled for Shillary, and Boehlert was like Biden's last living promoter.
Yes, probably.