posted ago by MAGA_Patriot_1776 ago by MAGA_Patriot_1776 +196 / -0

I had a conversation today with someone I love very much. She had a meeting with two Med Flight doctors to discuss a home remodeling project they are working on. As they sipped on coffee, they engaged in some small talk to get the meeting started. My friend asked the Med Flight doctors how things were going at work. [This is a large city with multiple hospitals, not a small town.]

Terrible. I had a 6 hour bedtime shift last night. There was no other staff. Everyone is quitting. No one wants to work in the medical field anymore.

We have had a huge uptick in flight calls to help kids in distress from having seizures at home. Never seen anything like it. We've seen a huge spike in seizure activity with kids.

Blood clotting is our biggest issue by far. Everyone is developing blood clots. Its just crazy.

Covid is still a big issue and we're seeing all of these strange conditions increasing.

I asked my friend if the Med Flight doctors had finally put two and two together and realized this has nothing to do with Covid and everything to do with the "vaccine."

She said she didn't want to bring up the vaccine and create any sort of conflict.

I said, did they mention it though? Were they at least questioning that this may be vaccine related and not covid related? She said they never mentioned the vaccine.

We tend to think of normies being just stupid herd followers, which they are, but what drives me most crazy is that people who are actually really smart, you have to have brains to become a doctor after all, are just so stupid when it comes to getting hit with a two by four in the face. They literally can't see the two by four or blame the two by four for what just happened.

I'm not sure what will wake these people up. Maybe that's one of the reasons people are leaving the medical field, they've woken up and can't bare to participate in it anymore.

The bottom line, in my opinion, there are some pretty major vaccine adverse reactions taking place right now. These poor kids did absolutely nothing wrong. Their parents and doctors have literally abused them with medical malpractice. It's nearly as sickening as abortion.