Former child actor says Disney 'heavily sexualized' young girls.
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Miley Cyrus was one quite big red flag
Miley was just the latest known victim. Disney's always been evil, we just couldn't see it til now.
What about Brittany? She was a mouseketeer! Hmm. No wonder...
Did his brother kill himself a few years ago?
I think you’re thinking of the boys that were on Everybody Loves Raymond. One of the twins killed himself
That's who it was. :( Thank you for clarifying.
Good luck trying to change that. Lots are in the middle of a bash Everything Disney right now. IMO, it did need a long-overdue bashing (the post-Walt stuff) but not all of it. Also unfortunately now many appear to be overusing the word pedo the same as the other side was overusing the word racist.