Not attempting to doom or anything. Just trying to think logically.
I am open to the possibility that the military will be getting involved before November due to Dems attempting to rig the mail-in vote again. I base this on Q’s comments about Schiff trying to get rid of posse comitatus/federal troops safeguarding elections.
But if you have to show people the true depths of Cabal Corruption so that they understand what they were supporting, you’re not going to swoop in and save the country so the sheep can re-elect the same scum.
It seems like we’re watching a controlled demolition—leading to a precipice event—to push the American people to say, “enough is enough.” I don’t think we’ll get any huge wins before November, especially since Trump said he’d be announcing something big after the midterms.
I think that’s also why we’re seeing Durham’s involvement and Hunter’s laptop becoming News again—it has to be a slow drip to keep priming people because society at large has been conditioned to have the attention span of a fly.
If there are problems with electricity and internet, dominion voting machines can't be used, the state legislation blocking fraudulent voting will kick in and the US should have a relatively honest midterm election without the military stepping in.