GME hit around $480 before the buy button was turned off, then it started to go down. We realize that the orgs never covered or closed their positions, and when the margin calls then liquidations start, they're not going to sell until the prices make Berkshire look cheap by comparison. We call it looking like phone numbers. I'm not active but do look on some regular basis.
I used to be on that sub just as much as I’m on here. Nowadays, I just hold and buy more when I can, and stop in there every now and then to see if anything crazy has happened. I can’t wait for moass! I’m so ready to be able to quit my job at an evil global financial institution
GME hit around $480 before the buy button was turned off, then it started to go down. We realize that the orgs never covered or closed their positions, and when the margin calls then liquidations start, they're not going to sell until the prices make Berkshire look cheap by comparison. We call it looking like phone numbers. I'm not active but do look on some regular basis.
I used to be on that sub just as much as I’m on here. Nowadays, I just hold and buy more when I can, and stop in there every now and then to see if anything crazy has happened. I can’t wait for moass! I’m so ready to be able to quit my job at an evil global financial institution
I want to retire before I turn 37 later this year.