posted ago by SovereignSon ago by SovereignSon +14 / -3

"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon” (Rev. 13:11)

"Nearly all Fundamentalist, Evangelical, Pentecostal, and Charismatic teachers have one thing in common when they approach this beast out of the earth; with one voice they identify this beast as the odious, fearful, universally-touted, and long-awaited ANTICHRIST!"

"If the adversary can get the people of God to look for some imaginary man of sin yet to appear, some fictitious son of perdition to come, then he has won a victory, because then WE WILL NEVER DISCOVER THE MAN OF SIN WHERE HE ACTUALLY IS ABIDING!"

"Do you know what the Bible really says about the antichrist? You may be surprised! As much as we have heard preachers speak on the subject of antichrist, one would be led to believe that the term is mentioned a thousand times in the Bible. The fact is, the antichrist is mentioned only five times in the whole Bible and not one of these five mentions of the antichrist is in any of the Bible’s prophetical books. Not one of them is in either the book of Daniel or the book of Revelation! The word “antichrist” is not found in the teachings of Jesus, neither do we find the word in the Old Testament. What can we show from scripture, and what is mere speculation? To find out, let’s think about all we have heard. All those things that Christians supposedly “know” about “the antichrist.” According to what the preachers and teachers proclaim, antichrist is supposed to:"

Full article here:
