"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon” (Rev. 13:11)
"Nearly all Fundamentalist, Evangelical, Pentecostal, and Charismatic teachers have one thing in common when they approach this beast out of the earth; with one voice they identify this beast as the odious, fearful, universally-touted, and long-awaited ANTICHRIST!"
"If the adversary can get the people of God to look for some imaginary man of sin yet to appear, some fictitious son of perdition to come, then he has won a victory, because then WE WILL NEVER DISCOVER THE MAN OF SIN WHERE HE ACTUALLY IS ABIDING!"
"Do you know what the Bible really says about the antichrist? You may be surprised! As much as we have heard preachers speak on the subject of antichrist, one would be led to believe that the term is mentioned a thousand times in the Bible. The fact is, the antichrist is mentioned only five times in the whole Bible and not one of these five mentions of the antichrist is in any of the Bible’s prophetical books. Not one of them is in either the book of Daniel or the book of Revelation! The word “antichrist” is not found in the teachings of Jesus, neither do we find the word in the Old Testament. What can we show from scripture, and what is mere speculation? To find out, let’s think about all we have heard. All those things that Christians supposedly “know” about “the antichrist.” According to what the preachers and teachers proclaim, antichrist is supposed to:"
Full article here:
Interesting article. I would point out the the term “antichrist” does not mean “against Christ.” In the Greek it literally means “in place of Christ,” which means a substitution. That is where you begin to identify this in doctrines or in people. If you must replace Jesus with a substitute, say another intermediary you need, an additional person who gives you access to Christ, that substitute is an antichrist person. He or she is lying to you because there is no gatekeeper in front of Christ. Jesus is available to anybody who calls on Him, and He is the only way to the Father. If you hear a doctrine that substitutes the Gospel for a teaching that dilutes Jesus and/or makes His salvation into a system of rules and regulations that save you apart from God’s grace, you can bet it comes from an antichrist spirit. Jesus is the eternal word of God, just as much God as the Father is God, and He was still God when He emptied Himself to be born as a real flesh-and-blood human in this world. The salvation He offers is the free gift of His own righteousness in exchange for your sin, wiping the slate to give you what you could never have achieved on your own––complete justification and peace with God.
I would also point out that the widespread evangelical error about the end times and the tribulation did not exist before the 1800s as a popular teaching in the protestant church. All that is based on some very bad exegesis of the 70 weeks prophecy in Daniel 9, which was about the restoration of Israel to its homeland, the advent of the Messiah, and the destruction of Jerusalem. It is about nothing else. The angel told Daniel, “70 weeks are determined for YOUR people” (Daniel’s people), not 15,000 weeks, and he tells him the purpose, among which are fulfilling prophecy, bringing forth the Messiah, and bringing a final answer to sin. There is no weird 2000 year gap, and the covenant “he” will make is still speaking of Christ, who was cut off after 3 and one-half years of ministry, the testimony of which (the testimony of the covenant Messiah made through His substitutionary death and resurrection) was confirmed to the Jews for another 3 and one half years by Jesus’ disciples before being offered to the rest of humanity. The prince who was to come is Titus, the Roman general who destroyed Jerusalem and scattered the surviving Jews throughout the empire. In no way does this particular passage relate to some time in the distant future beyond those events, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the book of Revelation.
The erroneous interpretation taught in almost every evangelical church actually the work of a Jesuit, one Fransisco Ribera, who lived in the 1500s. He came up with this teaching to divert accusation from the Popes, whom the protestant reformers were all identifying as antichrist. Somehow Ribera’s teachings were found and resurrected in the 1800s and taken to be truth without anyone seeming to realize their purpose. I suspect thee distribution of this teaching was deliberate, because one has to make a number of illogical stretches to believe it, and it has the effect of fixing the hope of the church on a rescue, taking away any hope of being able to change things in the earth by resisting evil. In this scenario, evil wins because it is God’s will for it to win. But since when was it ever God’s will for evil to prosper? There is no darkness in him at all.
The will is an interesting power given to man from our creator. "Not my will but thy will be done", man has the power(will) to believe whatever he chooses, we often seem to choose a false rather than a true because we've become comfortable with the false. One of the things I love about following Jesus Christ is that through Him we gain the courage to overcome our own faulty will, and learn to follow His perfect will concerning doctrines and beliefs that shape our thinking(faith). Faith is a conqueror, because it goes to battle standing firmly on God's Word personalized to the individual.
Good point about belief being a choice. Few people look at it that way, but they really do make choices about what they hold to be true.
+1 from me especially for the lie of the Anti-Christ ie being the gatekeeper. Isn't that what got Luther all riled up? Those corrupt priests were peddling the lie.
I didn't want to say it out loud.
+1 from me :)
Now, let’s look at every verse in the Bible which mentions antichrist by name. Don’t worry, it is a very short list. If you think there are others, get your concordance out and find them. Or read the whole book of Daniel and the entire book of Revelation and watch closely for the term antichrist. Though I have searched the scriptures diligently I have not been able to find another single verse!
“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time” (I Jn. 2:18).
“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist,, that denieth the Father and the Son” (I Jn. 2:22.
“Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is it in the world” (I Jn. 4:2-3).
“For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist” (II Jn. 7)
"There was a time — only some 400 years ago — when the people of the world believed that the earth was the center of the universe. The scientists Copernicus and Galileo observed the movements of the heavenly bodies and reached the conclusion, and Galileo was finally able to demonstrate, that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun, and not the sun around the earth as people believed. This was a daring thing to say in that day, it seemed completely illogical and absolutely contradictory to all external appearances, and was at first considered a dangerous and heretical teaching. Galileo was forced by the Roman Catholic Church to stop publishing his discoveries for many years. While today it is difficult for you and me to comprehend how deep and dark that ignorance was, it was the accepted scientific opinion for thousands of years! Five hundred years ago the whole world believed the earth was flat — until Columbus proved that it is round. It is so hard for man to change his mind! And God’s people are no different! The carnal mind is still enmity against God and “the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned” (I Cor. 2:14). It is extremely difficult for carnal-minded Christians to receive spiritual revelation — so hard, in fact, that it takes a miracle! The people esteem their ministers, trust their teachers, and accept everything they say as gospel truth without any personal examination. What an awakening it is when through the dealings of the Holy Spirit they come to see that much of what they have been taught simply isn’t true!"
What a load of lies you just vomited on this board. Shame on you and your lack of intelligence and discernment and your own antichrist mentality.
You post an article of drivel from a charlatan “teacher”. He does nothing more then discredit people who incorrectly identified an antichrist of their times as THE antichrist. And somehow these incorrect identifiers prove that the antichrist doesn’t exist as an actual person. Rubbish and intellectual laziness with zero reading comprehension and discernment. The aspersions he casts on Bible students of old is nothing more then projections of his own inferior understanding. Basing a majority of your arguement on how many times the term antichrist is used shows how low brow your position is.
The antichrist is THROUGHOUT Revelation and Jesus did talk about him. It isn’t even debatable if you are of a sound mind and grounded in God the Father and not the father of all lies. Or how about just this one statement? “I come in my own name and you do not accept me. There is one coming who will come in his own name, him you will accept”. I don’t expect you to see it. You’re demonstrating your lack of spiritual understanding fully. “There are none so blind as those that refuse to see.” I could break down Revelation in multiple verses showing the antichrist as an end times world leader but whats the use? Those are pearls of wisdom and you are nothing more than swine. Wake the F up. Stop being a false teacher……an anti christ? Yep. Even Jesus told us there would be many of you.
Do yourself and your soul a favor. Turn to the very last page of the entire Bible. Last passage of the book of Revelation. Repent and stop doing that.
The essay is one of 244 essays on Revelation, Preston Eby is the best author I have seen concerning Revelation, he passed just this last February, I'm very glad his work remains. It is his life work. I've had a relationship with Jesus Christ since 1983 and ignored Revelation through most of it because I did not understand the book. I started Preston Eby's work on Revelation about six months ago, from essay #1, and am up to #154 now. I've had quite a revival since I started reading it, I share it because I think the body of Christ is in need of an idealist (spiritual) interpretation of Revelation. Thanks for your spirited reply here. Peace my brother.
Here is the index for the whole study:
"The antichrist denies that Christ is come in the flesh. And the profound truth which all of popular religion has missed, is the fact of the Christ actually coming into this flesh, my flesh, your flesh, and becoming an eternal and inseparable part of us! Referring to the expression “is come” one Greek scholar points out that it is the Greek perfect, which implies not a mere historical fact, as would be the case if another tense were used, but a blessed continuance of the fact and its blessed effects. Hear it! “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ IS (now) COME in the flesh is not of God: and THIS is that spirit of antichrist…YE are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is HE THAT IS I-N Y-O-U, than he that IS IN THE WORLD” (I Jn. 4:3-4). These words reveal to us the great truth that John, when speaking of confessing that Jesus Christ IS COME in the flesh, is referring to His coming in the members of His body on earth — and not in the historical man Jesus who walked the shores of blue Galilee so long ago. Every spirit that confesses not Jesus Christ now coming in flesh is antichrist, for it relies upon something other than the Christ within in the practice of its religion. All the religious self-righteousness, human good works, static creeds, lifeless ceremonies, fleshly organization, methods, and programs — do not all of them deny the Father and the Son, denying the Christ within, by substituting the wisdom and the ability of the flesh for the living word and divine power of the Christ within? Oh, yes!"
“Christ liveth IN ME,” Paul wrote to the Galatians. In the same book he says, “But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by His grace, to REVEAL HIS SON IN ME…” And again in the same book he affirms, “And because ye are sons, God hath SENT FORTH THE SPIRIT OF HIS SON INTO YOUR HEARTS.” To these same saints he further wrote, “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until CHRIST be formed IN YOU.” Then to the saints in Colosse he wrote, “Christ IN YOU, the hope of glory.” To the Corinthians he testified, “But this treasure (Christ) WE HAVE IN EARTHEN VESSELS.” It cannot be denied — this is the Christ that is come in the flesh! Isn’t it wonderful!"
"While the world is full of religions, and always has been, and they all spring from the soulical religious nature of man, it is clear to me that the beast which John sees ascending out of the earth signifies that carnal religious system which relates to John’s spiritual world, the church of Jesus Christ. This beast out of the earth-realm had “two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” “Horns” in prophecy denote dominion, power, authority, or kingship, so this unholy power has a two-fold dominion, both a spiritual administration and ecclesiastical or governmental authority. This beast is called later on “the false prophet” (Rev. 19:20; 20:10), by which we understand that it is made up of false teachers as well as earthly rulers, for a false prophet in the scriptures refers to an erroneous teaching influence in spiritual matters. John then reveals that this false teaching influence represents itself “as a lamb.” The “two horns like unto a lamb” are unquestionably a travesty of the “seven horns” of THE LAMB who sits in the midst of the throne. This beast sets itself up as the representation of Christ in the earth, professing to be the very anointed of God, but is actually a usurper who is opposed to the headship of Christ and the leadership of the Holy Spirit."
From the next essay:
The point is the antichrist is not a particular man that arrives in history, the second beast is a present adversary in all ages, until it is fully vanquished. We war now with the beast, we triumph now over the beast.
Thank you for this fren. Literalism often prohibits full understanding.
Paragraphs are our friend.