Well she may have been confirmed but she won't be taking her seat on the court until Oct. A lot can happen between then and now. And there is always the possibility she can be removed when the illegal POTUS who appointed her is removed for Treason.
Congress would have to impeach AND remove her with a 2/3 Senate vote. They can't just undo a confirmation. Unless she chooses not to take the seat or is somehow unable to, she will be seated in the next session.
Well she may have been confirmed but she won't be taking her seat on the court until Oct. A lot can happen between then and now. And there is always the possibility she can be removed when the illegal POTUS who appointed her is removed for Treason.
Congress would have to impeach AND remove her with a 2/3 Senate vote. They can't just undo a confirmation. Unless she chooses not to take the seat or is somehow unable to, she will be seated in the next session.