I agree, a 747 with the cold air/wind coming off the mountain top holding the warm air together forming the the effect. It looks like the aircraft is flying straight down, but that's just a perspective issue. Looking closer at the bottom two pictures you can see the aircraft is flying away from the mountain tops not falling/flying downwards.
When you look at high flying aircraft through a high powered zoom lens, often it appears ghost like, almost translucent, often it is hard to even see the wings because of the color and contrast of the background.
I agree, a 747 with the cold air/wind coming off the mountain top holding the warm air together forming the the effect. It looks like the aircraft is flying straight down, but that's just a perspective issue. Looking closer at the bottom two pictures you can see the aircraft is flying away from the mountain tops not falling/flying downwards.
When you look at high flying aircraft through a high powered zoom lens, often it appears ghost like, almost translucent, often it is hard to even see the wings because of the color and contrast of the background.
(not the best example but I couldn't spen much time finding exactly what I mean) https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/flying-aeroplane-blue-sky-104048079.jpg