However, I still believe this forged college ID is part of a bigger agenda and coverup.
I posted this on a similar thread a few weeks ago-
Here's the student ID information (to save people who aren't running an ad-blocker)-
Columbia ID Cards
The design of the card shown did not exist in 1981. The design was announced in 1996 in the February 2, 1996 edition of the Columbia University Record. The cards were first issued on March 1, 1996. Prior card designs included the student’s social security number.
The image from which the fake Obama ID image was created belongs to Thomas Lugert, who posted his college ID in an article entitled, “My study of the English Language at Columbia University in New York City from Juli 20, 98 – August 14, 98.” The scan of his ID card has the same card number, and even the same shadowing in the scan as seen on the fake Obama ID. See the original, full-sized image here. Lugert’s ID was issued in 1998.
The photo of Obama on the fake card does not depict the future President in the early 1980′s but during his time at Harvard, which he attended from 1988 through 1991.
Archive Link from 2005 to Thomas Lugert's website of the Columbia University ID used as part of the Photoshop efforts to prove Obama's college enrollment-
Rush Limbaugh read an article posted on which contained claims from Wayne Allyn Root that Obama never attended Columbia in the first place or attended as a foreign student (which is why he hid his college transcripts via Executive order)-
It was put out there so the MSM could lump Wayne Allyn Root in with other "conspiracy theorists", who happened to be clowns purposely putting out disinformation like this.
It's fake.
I dug into the claims found in this Snopes article and determined them to be true.
Did Barack Obama Attend Columbia University as a Foreign Student?
However, I still believe this forged college ID is part of a bigger agenda and coverup.
I posted this on a similar thread a few weeks ago-
Here's the student ID information (to save people who aren't running an ad-blocker)-
Archive Link from 2005 to Thomas Lugert's website of the Columbia University ID used as part of the Photoshop efforts to prove Obama's college enrollment-
Link to the fake ID image passed off as Obama's-
Rush Limbaugh read an article posted on which contained claims from Wayne Allyn Root that Obama never attended Columbia in the first place or attended as a foreign student (which is why he hid his college transcripts via Executive order)-
This article has been scrubbed from's site as well as -
You can see all 35 snapshots still listed are garbage-*/
My theory on this Photoshopped ID?
It was put out there so the MSM could lump Wayne Allyn Root in with other "conspiracy theorists", who happened to be clowns purposely putting out disinformation like this.
Apparently I'm unable to edit the above comment. I wanted to add this link to some of Wayne Allyn Root's claims in text format -
For whatever dumb reason, Automod caught you. I fixed it.