Space Aliens and the Khazarian Mafia - Article by Clif High
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if you listen to his shows long enough you'll be able to extract that: he has schizophrenia, and he's done a lot of psychedelics. So out of the gate this is someone coming in with a very unique perspective that I haven't quite heard anywhere else. You'll also pick up that he believes 'bugs' (mantids) have psychically hijacked certain groups of people to implement their communist agenda (mainly the globalists). The main motivating factor he claims why this is happening is humans leak too much psychically because we can't contain our thoughts and emotions and this bothers the mantids who are psychically very advanced and much much older than humanity. (A lot of people who do psychedelics claim to see mantid like beings and other entities like elves/gnomes and much more. It's not just 1 person who sees this but many individuals report this same experience which by itself is a very interesting thing to think about). He also goes on to claim that much of what we are seeing from these globalists is a mantid agenda to control the planet through communism and the great reset and to crush out and control humanity and presumably please the bugs. It's an interesting point because he relates that communism isn't natural outside of bug colonies (ants and bees for example). He ties this back into the Khazarian mafia aka fake jews aka name stealers and how they've been mind controlled for thousands of years by these mantid beings and have been subverting governments for thousands of years. It's definitely given me a different perspective to view things through. I think most people that come to GA .win should really research and look into esoteric/occult topics and history with an open and unbiased perspective to try to learn. It's the only way to get a good grasp on what's happening in current events as well as maybe understand more about our lost history as a species. It's hard to verify a lot of what he says but it's led me on a personal journey to discover as much as I can about this and see what's true and what's not. Take everything with a big pinch of salt.
Can I just say that his name, Clif High, is as hilarious as being named Hole Deep, River Wet, Flame Hot, or Sunny Bright.
Also, he sends my internal bullshit meter on overdrive.
Then you haven't read or listened to his history.
bots are here too I see
I used to be an occasional listener to his podcast, up until two or three months ago. At that time, I noticed a significant change in his thoughts, indicating, to me, a distinct and more serious separation from reality. I decided I no longer wanted to fill my head with the ramblings of a disturbed individual going down a dark path.
This article is further evidence of that.
A wrestling coach named Matt Fury.
This dude just needs to give in and write his scifi novel. It would be pretty entertaining.