5G Harms Humans, Animals, Plants, Landmark Study Shows
In the race for hyperfast internet speed and connectivity, experts are making comparisons between the release of 5G and the lies told by the tobacco and oil industries. by Dr. Joseph Mercola November 3, 2021
Thanks for the link. I read the article but it doesn't have any actual scientific studies listed that demonstrate any negative affects from EMFs, only words like 'might cause problems, or likely result in..." Lots of buzz words for emotion, but the article is very light on factual evidence.
Death may not be instantaneous.
5G Harms Humans, Animals, Plants, Landmark Study Shows In the race for hyperfast internet speed and connectivity, experts are making comparisons between the release of 5G and the lies told by the tobacco and oil industries. by Dr. Joseph Mercola November 3, 2021
Thanks for the link. I read the article but it doesn't have any actual scientific studies listed that demonstrate any negative affects from EMFs, only words like 'might cause problems, or likely result in..." Lots of buzz words for emotion, but the article is very light on factual evidence.