As a Austrian economists I agree with the majority of your statement, however there are times when communism is a superior form of governance. And has been utilized both in the past an present on numerous of occasion. In a time of great crisis or limited resources, survival governance or communism ensures the survival of the whole at the expense of the individual. Think of a lifeboat in the middle of a ocean, not the best time to have a Republic, Democracy or Mobocracy. At the dawn of human history in the extreme cycles of desperation and destitution survival governance was the norm. Desenters are dispatch with zeal as the psychology is sold as being a act of self preservation for the "whole". (1=none=all)
It's not a prosperous form of governance as it always consumes itself because it lacks any effective mechanism of valuation. (the government dictates value leading to; waste, missallocation of resources, undesirable products (absent free consumer will), inferior designs (absent competition) etc. etc.).
I belabor the point only because in attempting to usher in the New World Order of communism these shortage and crisies we are experiencing are being manufacturer to justify such action. This is the Fredrick Engles playbook to force communism on a society, in this case the world.
As the future of tomorrow's hope for freedom, I suggest everyone read the writings of Austrian economist both past and present, and as painful as it may be, Marxist economist as well.
Untill you understand the economic angles of control for and of the resources of the world, you only have half a picture of what is happening.
As a Austrian economists I agree with the majority of your statement, however there are times when communism is a superior form of governance. And has been utilized both in the past an present on numerous of occasion. In a time of great crisis or limited resources, survival governance or communism ensures the survival of the whole at the expense of the individual. Think of a lifeboat in the middle of a ocean, not the best time to have a Republic, Democracy or Mobocracy. At the dawn of human history in the extreme cycles of desperation and destitution survival governance was the norm. Desenters are dispatch with zeal as the psychology is sold as being a act of self preservation for the "whole". (1=none=all) It's not a prosperous form of governance as it always consumes itself because it lacks any effective mechanism of valuation. (the government dictates value leading to; waste, missallocation of resources, undesirable products (absent free consumer will), inferior designs (absent competition) etc. etc.). I belabor the point only because in attempting to usher in the New World Order of communism these shortage and crisies we are experiencing are being manufacturer to justify such action. This is the Fredrick Engles playbook to force communism on a society, in this case the world. As the future of tomorrow's hope for freedom, I suggest everyone read the writings of Austrian economist both past and present, and as painful as it may be, Marxist economist as well. Untill you understand the economic angles of control for and of the resources of the world, you only have half a picture of what is happening.