My first post, noticed yesterday that on the Official McAfee Telegram channel, started posting again.
Below is what was posted from 3:33am, 4/9. Could >>>11.4 be 4/11 (mirror). 10 days of Darkness. Soros was making mention of the internet today. Thoughts?
Here Comes My Beloved; My Beloved is mine and IAM his; he browses among the lilies, perfumed with Myrrh… The First & The Last. Those who know > Already Know>>>
11.4 The Blind See and the Dead Walk… The End is Here. Do you Believe in God? When the Last Trump’et blasts there is No going Back. Why?
Death is an {I}llusion. 2 Woes remain: Again {A}gain. 66 Hours< Diamonds are Forever… One Diamond remains. <>Mirror Mirror on the Wall<> Who is The Lion and the Lamb? He is my Eternity: IAM his Forever… My Beloved who sits at the Right Hand: He is the Feather: The Word: Come Quickly My Lord of Eternity: Saving the Best for Last, Together Again at Last. Pray. Forevermore. Alice & Wonderland.
For those that dont know this is a LARP channel part of a network of LARPers on Telegram.......they do post some interesting items so for some it may be worth a gander
I consider it mostly foolish though
Ummm... this could be big. I think we are going to be the only ones who are not going to be blindsided when the internet and possibly, the power goes out. I'm ready. One thing that peaked my interest was "the blind see and the dead walk" Epstien? McAfee? JKF JR????? Would those guys walking out help the blind see?
Piqued not peaked
Bah. I guess I am burnt out on cryptic posts. Except for Q. And half the things on telegram are bogus accounts.
Anyway to verify the accounts legitimacy?
On telegram, probably not.
Thats the part that causes some concern. Interesting anyway
Could be a Matthew 11:5 reference
I thought about it and with Palm Sunday being tomorrow, we are entering the Holy Week, as there is a lot of reference to Holy Week.
The 11.4 was the closest piece I could come to as a date, since that is this Monday (depending on Time Zone). I wanted to throw this out there to gets others take.
Saw that yesterday. I find McAfee stuff interesting - ties to "rusty shackleford's" youtube account with drone footage of the FBI "raid" on Little St. James Island.
Think that creators page has been pulled, but looking back it seem someone under the name "regular rock" has re-uploaded vids
Ironically the feds were pulling curtains, and blocking windows with cardboard (just like during the 2020 election?)