No lie. Gordon Duff, editor of, once shared (around 8 yrs ago if memory served?) in an article on VT, that, he had (on good source) insider info that long ago, a peasant (before the riches) Rothschild once, unexpectedly, met a "demon" while hiking alone in the forest. And, as Duff shared, ultimately sold his soul (and ass) to this totally fab-u-looous! demon for riches...riches beyond his wildest dreams! But(t)....major caveat here, IF, said Rothschild, allowed the demon to, eh, butt fk him (don't shoot the messenger) first? And the rest is his-story...
Somewhere, there's sticky sauce for this "story" but I haven't the time to dig. Duff shared this, though... Facts!
If someone were to pray to God for dominance of your fellow man, out their desire to become rich and "famous" God isn't going to answer that call.
But a demon will.
No lie. Gordon Duff, editor of, once shared (around 8 yrs ago if memory served?) in an article on VT, that, he had (on good source) insider info that long ago, a peasant (before the riches) Rothschild once, unexpectedly, met a "demon" while hiking alone in the forest. And, as Duff shared, ultimately sold his soul (and ass) to this totally fab-u-looous! demon for riches...riches beyond his wildest dreams! But(t)....major caveat here, IF, said Rothschild, allowed the demon to, eh, butt fk him (don't shoot the messenger) first? And the rest is his-story...
Somewhere, there's sticky sauce for this "story" but I haven't the time to dig. Duff shared this, though... Facts!
If someone were to pray to God for dominance of your fellow man, out their desire to become rich and "famous" God isn't going to answer that call. But a demon will.