Unless those women got the shot too. Then who knows how many have been sterilized. Realistically, not 100% as that would be too easy to notice. However, with enough boosters, they will get there.
Good don't donate sperm and only have children with strong intelligent women. The lefttards are wiping themselves out. As the women who took the shot will hopefully not be able to reproduce.
I guess we will be in charge of impregnating all the women from now on.
Unless those women got the shot too. Then who knows how many have been sterilized. Realistically, not 100% as that would be too easy to notice. However, with enough boosters, they will get there.
Well the Pureblood women. I'm really not interested in dealing with the heart ache of a miscarriage.
No such thing as long COVID. Do you mean a cold?
Long COVID is not a cold, dammit!!! It's the side effects of the vaccine! :-)
Think ME is a perfect name for it.!
Good don't donate sperm and only have children with strong intelligent women. The lefttards are wiping themselves out. As the women who took the shot will hopefully not be able to reproduce.