A Great piece I came across from BioClandestine...IMO he/she is spot on...👇👇👇
Let’s look at V for Vendetta. Many of you know it. DC comic from 1988, turned into the all-time classic, a dystopian political action film in 2005. There are an absurd amount of parallels between this film and today’s current global situation.
The plot features a left-wing fascist totalitarian regime in the future UK, that rose to power in the midst of a pandemic that the party created via a virus outbreak from a bioweapons lab. Conducting dangerous research to modify pathogens under the guise of national security. They were the only ones with the cure, and amidst the hysteria, they used this cure as a bargaining chip to win an election. If you wanted to survive, you had to vote for them. They first blamed the outbreak on “domestic terrorists and extremists”, using their state-controlled media to push fear and further sow discord. Many members of the party became immensely rich off of the pharmaceutical cures and took high positions of power in government, media, religion, etc. This fascist regime utilized Orwellian censorship and surveillance, state-controlled media and mass propaganda, Gestapo police, martial law, curfews, and even paedophilia and human trafficking.
Now doesn’t all that sound eerily familiar… but in the case of V for Vendetta, this regime was only in the UK. The death count from the virus was 100,000.
Juxtaposed to modern-day America, where the “party” is actually a global entity, infecting the entire planet. And according to their numbers, the virus THEY created and released, killed 6 MILLION people across the globe.
In 2005, corrupt politicians killing 100k people with a bioweapon was considered sci-fi Hollywood fantasy. Kooky conspiracy stuff that doesn’t ACTUALLY HAPPEN.
Not only is the plot for V for Vendetta actually happening, but numerically it’s 60x worse, in terms of deaths via government-created bioweapons. And its not just in one small country, it’s global. And the “cure” isn’t just a pill, it’s a recurring injection subscription with harmful side effects and doesn’t actually work. Oh yeah, and the other 2 nuclear superpowers are pissed off at our government and are destroying their biological facilities in foreign countries…
Our current situation is wayyyyyy worse than the wildest Hollywood fiction. Things we once labelled unfathomable, now pale in comparison to the horrors of reality.
Don’t lose that perspective. This is the greatest crime against humanity ever committed, and we as individuals cannot sit idly by, while our government slaughters millions with their biological activity.
This is the precipice. It’s time to stand up.
Vote for Republican uniparty members in a fraudulent election this November. That's the ticket!