Watch The Water! Share this With EVERYONE!!
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
Ya want to know what the Corona Virus may be, and how they got everyone?! Just premiered on Rumble! Trump wasn’t telling us to watch the ocean. He possibly literally wanted us to Watch The Water!! As in this documentary Watch The Water! I just finished and am stunned and upset… But educating y’all is more important. Dig in Anons.
kind of...
Venom is used by predators to subdue prey. It is usually injected so it doesn't matter if your body's defenses break it down if ingested since it is usually put straight into your blood stream. It is normally stored in a sac and sprayed or injected from the mouth or a stinger. It must be extremely fast acting and is usually focused on paralysis.
Poison is a defense mechanism used by prey to stop predators from eating them. It is usually found in most of the body of the prey species so must not be harmful to its host. It must survive being digested and act on the predator from within the stomach and rest of the digestive system. Unpleasantness and extreme sickness are preferred in smaller quantities. They want the predators to remember the unpleasantness and associate it with all members of the prey's species.
Different selective pressures cause what you say to be true in most but not all cases. There are still certain venoms you do not anywhere near your mouth.
It matters very much! It is the difference between venom and poison. Except for that difference (one can be eaten without causing sickness), they are effectively synonyms! Venom is not poisonous unless it is injected.
Many lifeforms use poison (toxin) to subdue prey. Not venom.
They all taste horrible, i would expect, but the difference between venom and poison/toxin is that venom isn't poisonous when eaten.