A note to GAW's whiners (too few/many/new/old stickies!) and complainers (I don't like this cringe C5 meme!) recently given long vacations: GAW's mods didn't recruit u/Ashlandadog—he just showed up one day, sleeves rolled up, sunglasses on, ready to bark this shit up. Want content? GET POSTING!!! 🐩
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...it has been described as "urban southern" I would say baritone in pitch...
...my French suffers greatly from it...
Starting to get that doggy voice just right. Happy Easter.
Thanks. That will help me recreate an appropriate voice. I used to picture sandy hair with middle aged alto. When I read a story there is always a movie of it playing in my mind at the same time. I'm finding myself mentally creating voices that go with the anons who post here. Gotta get those woofs and howls just right.
...God blessed you with a wonderful imagination...
...doggy winks....