Dr Ardis sure did save a lot of lives when he spent every waking hour warning us against Remdesevir. His interviews are where I learned about how deadly it is. My large group of patriot friends shared it with hundreds of families who texted us when they learned of a person sick with covid. . Many did refuse Remdesivir and did take Ivermectin and were saved.
That being said, I agree that this venom concept strikes the wrong cord. I never gave it a thought for the past three weeks, since I first heard of it. But Dr Ardis gave more convincing data in this video that I watched today...and many of us owe him our lives for warning us about Remdesivir. So, I wanted to post it...just in case he is correct. It keeps our eyes open.
The idea that covid venom was spread through the water does not seem to be backed in fact, though. I wonder if it could be made to enter the blood if it was encapsulated in the nanotech delivery system? No clue...but it does seem unlikely to be dangerous if swallowed, unless we have ulcers.
Dr Ardis sure did save a lot of lives when he spent every waking hour warning us against Remdesevir. His interviews are where I learned about how deadly it is. My large group of patriot friends shared it with hundreds of families who texted us when they learned of a person sick with covid. . Many did refuse Remdesivir and did take Ivermectin and were saved.
That being said, I agree that this venom concept strikes the wrong cord. I never gave it a thought for the past three weeks, since I first heard of it. But Dr Ardis gave more convincing data in this video that I watched today...and many of us owe him our lives for warning us about Remdesivir. So, I wanted to post it...just in case he is correct. It keeps our eyes open.
The idea that covid venom was spread through the water does not seem to be backed in fact, though. I wonder if it could be made to enter the blood if it was encapsulated in the nanotech delivery system? No clue...but it does seem unlikely to be dangerous if swallowed, unless we have ulcers.