The biggest conspiracy theory yet. There is no way to put anything in the water supply of all the utilities all around the world. I worked at the largest US water company for 36 years and in order to contaminate the City's water supply the "Snake Oil" would have to be injected at many places that are heavily guarded. The "Snake Oil" would have to be continuously injected since the water moves out of the system every few days." This is such BS. Another fear mongering show for ratings. WE moved billions of gallons of water daily through the system, and in order to poison the water enough to make someone sick continuous truckloads of poison would need to be injected into the system. Where did they get all the snakes to make truck loads of poison. I'm only talking about ONE water system.
If this were true wouldn't everyone's pets be dying? I believe the toxicity of venom is a ratio of venom to the animals weight . So think about someone giving water to a pet bird, mouse, or whatever. Wouldn't they have all died months ago? Maybe I'm missing something here but not enough sauce for me about the water.
I'm not convinced about the water, but marking it plausible. I don't expect him to have the answers about their delivery method. However, I can say having drank rattlesnake venom before (long story, Native American tradition, made lemonade spicy) that you don't instantly get sick from drinking venom in small quantities. However, I can also say from quick research that exposing animals to small amounts of venom is how antivenom is made (and this is probably where the tribal tradition came from).
Or larger quantities! Presumably if you drank 10's to 100's of snakes worth it could be a problem, however most people are unaware that this is the difference between venom and poison. Venom can be safely eaten, and must be injected to cause harm! Poison harms you no matter how it is consumed.
this whole thing is to make anons look stupid so they can label as crazy snake venom people, as well as to give us a boatload of bs to waste our hours on researching and spreading this bullshit around
Detecting COVID in sewer water seems like bullshit fake news anyway. People don't seem to realize just how many buildings empty into a single sewer line and all that toliet water is also diluted by showers, sinks, and washing machines. If you can detect the virus in all that water your outbreak has already happened massively for it to reach such concentrations, it's not like bacteria where it can continue to replicate outside the host hence why sewer water can contain typhoid and such.
I believe they only did the sewage testing to "look scientific"