"First, Disney has been focusing on TINK couples (Two Incomes No Kids) and the genuinely wealthy. These people complain loudly and at length at the people at Disney World that do have children. They have always been there but twenty years ago you could remind the more obnoxious of them that Disney was for kids. If they complained to the Park authorities, they would take the side of the parents. They don’t do that anymore. Because it’s not for kids anymore. Not in any serious way."
The thing about the TINKs is that they have no kids. That means they can spend more money, but it also means that they won't be imparting their love of Disney to a next generation. Assuming that they choose to stay childless, the money train stops when they stop.
Disney is focusing on a finite crowd there. Very stupid idea.
so... it's almost as if they don't care?
yes -
"First, Disney has been focusing on TINK couples (Two Incomes No Kids) and the genuinely wealthy. These people complain loudly and at length at the people at Disney World that do have children. They have always been there but twenty years ago you could remind the more obnoxious of them that Disney was for kids. If they complained to the Park authorities, they would take the side of the parents. They don’t do that anymore. Because it’s not for kids anymore. Not in any serious way."
Yep Disney is not for kids anymore it's for adults who want to relive their childhood
The thing about the TINKs is that they have no kids. That means they can spend more money, but it also means that they won't be imparting their love of Disney to a next generation. Assuming that they choose to stay childless, the money train stops when they stop.
Disney is focusing on a finite crowd there. Very stupid idea.
right the PEDOs don't reproduce that's why they are trying so hard to indoctrinate kids into LGBTQ+XYZ at young ages.