Watch The Water Update: additional info out today
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
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Ann Vandersteel did an update with Dr. Ardis. He adds more info today or added info, and he did an interview with Scott McCay yesterday below too. So we have updated info to dig into Anons for this Covid-MnRNA Venom theory. God bless your work!
Do you have an issue with us Mods putting out a subject to dig on? Because being a part of this forum is what we all should hopefully be doing. We Anons in GAW are supposed to sort EXACTLY This Type Of Stuff Out! if you don’t like it, then don’t engage PLEASE!
And here is the issue you just pointed out that we must get at: Is It Legitimate/facts Or Not Legitimate/BS? Anons are going to need data to debunk. So Anons can legitimately contribute data/info, or don’t engage. Just calling something not legitimate when someone has not contributed at all is Not Helpful. That is my point please.