Watch The Water Update: additional info out today
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
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Ann Vandersteel did an update with Dr. Ardis. He adds more info today or added info, and he did an interview with Scott McCay yesterday below too. So we have updated info to dig into Anons for this Covid-MnRNA Venom theory. God bless your work!
I'm sorry but I just can't buy this. Been thinking about it a lot and so much of it doesn't add up. It reeks of a psyop to me.
How did they get the vast amount of the substance into the water with no one calling them out on it? Were ALL water companies complicit? Absolutely no whistleblowers whatsoever? Considering that they also did it world wide, again I've got to ask how.
We've been drinking and using the water for the past 2 years and the vast majority are still perfectly fine. This implies we can't drink it or cook with it, yet we all have been and we're fine. You'd think prolonged exposure to a venom would take out way more than we've lost.
Why are pets not dying in droves? I bottle fed a weak 3 week old kitten formula that needed a lot of water, and she turned out perfectly fine. I've fed my little bunnies the water. Unfiltered, straight from the tap. They're all perfectly fine. A dose large enough to harm humans would certainly kill the animals. But fish aren't dying in the tanks and our animals are healthy.
Our crops are grown with this water and still we can safely eat them, as can our pets and children.
Lots of reports of people with well water getting Covid. How? How about people that got Covid but exclusively drink bottled water? Yet people are saying bottled water is surely safe. How? It's tap water too.
Wouldn't we also be inhaling the venom when showering, through the steam? What about netipots?
Baby formula is also largely made of water, but babies aren't dropping dead from the venom strong enough to make an adult sick?
Why the hell did Stew Peters sensationalize the hell out of this? He knew for weeks but said nothing "to protect people". He wouldn't give any clues, said filtered water was probably fine (apparently not), and even made everyone wait an extra day so he could drop a hype trailer the day before. And yet this is grave, important news?
It's bizarre how quickly the video spread. In the telegram channels I frequent it was being shilled immediately by accounts that acted like bots, and it spread from there. It's also really, really, disturbingly ironic that the doctor offers an anti-venom pill.
Why the fuck are we still talking about Remdesivir? It was presented in this video as though this was new information and we should all be shocked. Remdesivir and its dangers are really old news. Everyone on our side is well aware of the danger, and people NOT on our side aren't going to watch this video. So what was the point?
Considering they didn't taint ALL water, how did people all across the US get sick?
All this accomplished was further beating down a large number of people that were already losing faith in the plan, white hats, and Trump, and I strongly believe that that was the goal here.
Over the past few months I've watched the steady descent into no longer trusting Trump because things are taking too long and we're seeing too little in-your-face truth that we can show to those we're trying to awaken. Something even they can't deny, like the arrest of Fauci or Obama.
Now this video comes out and people are jumping straight to "How could the white hats allow this to happen to us?!" and distrusting Trump even more. Thankfully, I'm also seeing a lot of people refusing to believe this video.
Don't forget how many times ANYTHING related to water comes up and people are immediately crying "THIS is what watch the water is about!" It's about dams, it's about Ever Given, it's about a submarine off the coast, it's about the submarine that was attacked, and on and on. Given my total disbelief in this video, I'm pretty pissed that SP used that as the title.
Also don't forget that this guy does not like Trump.
So my theories:
This is a test from the WH. A test to see if the awakened are truly awakened enough to think for themselves and not blindly follow sensationalist, BS news. Maybe it's a test to see if we're ready for the kick off. I hope we're not failing, though it sure looks like we are.
This is sensationalist BS conjured up to sell BS snakeoil...I mean anti-venom pills. Just compare this guy to Dr. Zelenko. Zelenko released a protocol that doesn't get him any money. This damn chiropractor releases fear porn that can earn him money.
This is a cabal move to sow distrust in the white hats.
Finally, look at it this way. How is this information anything we didn't already know, merely repackaged? The cabal released something deadly upon us. The WH didn't stop it, because it "had to be this way". The vaccine is worse than disease, and they desperately want us taking that vaccine. Yet this video gets people all in a panic, as though it changes anything. The base narrative is the same, but because it's affected something as sacred and precious as our water, it's suddenly even more sinister? The fact remains that far few people died of Covid than they'd lead you to believe, and far more are continuing to die from the vaccine.
And why the hell did this video come out as the Covid narrative is finally dying down yet MSM is trying to kick it back up again as well?
There's a reason this was released like this, with the dramatic overtones that remind you of the same fear porn MSM likes to push.