Years ago, in the sad times when Obama was still president, I asked God for a sign. I don’t remember why I was asking for that, but it was then I realized God had a sense of humor. He gave me one that very night in a vivid dream––literally. (I can still see it all as clearly as if I had the dream yesterday because it was burned into my brain.) I was in a city with my family. The mostly empty streets were in chaos, and the whole city was dark. Fires were burning everywhere, the dirty buildings were damaged from previous riots, and I heard people screaming along with the sound of gunfire. I looked up to see a black stormy sky and saw the devil flying over the city. He was carrying a sign. It said, “Who cares what the devil may do?” A light caught my eye, and I looked down the street to see a single tall building all lit up, white, clean, and undamaged. I knew it was the building where we lived, so I started to walk to it. When we entered our apartment, I was amazed at the contrast to what was going on outside. It was so quiet. The apartment was clean and spacious and full of light, and the refrigerator and cabinets were absolutely stuffed with food.
Who cares what the devil may do? All things taken together, the meaning of the dream was clear. God was showing me that it wouldn’t matter as far as we were concerned. We were going to have provision and enjoy safety in the midst of it all. Now, although this was a communication to me and my family, I do not believe this dream pertains only to us. It think it is relevant to anyone who is able to put away their fears and trust that God has His eye fixed on them to keep them safe and do them good while the world around them is collapsing.
Around the same time as this dream, I got a long download in which God told me what was He was going to be doing in the near future. I was not on any medication at the time, I wasn’t drinking, and I hadn’t eaten a bad salad. This wasn’t one of those iffy things that made me suspect my own imagination. It was very clear and unmistakable, and I had no doubt that it was a true communication from God. I could not have expected any of the things He told me would happen because the world wasn’t going that way. At that time evil was prevailing, and it seemed there was little anyone could do about it.
God said that the day would come when I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the news because there would be so much going on, with good things and bad things happening together (at the same time). He said He was going to go through the land to deal harshly with 3 classes of people––the liars, the prideful, and those who defied him with their fists raised up in the air. He said he was going to cut the head off every neck that was stretched up in pride, and cast down every liar. He assured me that not one of the liars would escape, not even one. He said that if they fled to a foreign land to save their skins, they would find Him already there, preparing disasters for them. He also told me that those who humbled themselves to hide under the skirts of his robes would be protected. (There was a lot more, but this was the part I clearly remember.)
The first part about the news was to show when the second part about God’s actions would occur. In other words, “when you see this, that will be happening.” Even then I didn’t expect it to start happening any time soon, but then I watched it begin to play out with the exposure of evil and a clear division developing between the liars and those who love the truth. (Trump was the lightening rod God used to begin the process.) I saw that the ones who persisted in evil and those who embraced what is good were being separated, and I could tell that this division into camps had not come naturally. I knew it was God’s doing, and I knew why. He always does this in preparation for some big intervention. I believe we are now beyond that stage. Anyone with their spiritual antenna tuned to God’s frequency has the sense that He has initiated a worldwide interdiction that will bring long-awaited justice to the earth. (The ones who only see inescapable darkness and despair should adjust their dials. They are tapping into the enemy’s fantasies, thinking they’re still on God’s channel.)
I couldn’t believe it when I first saw BLM’s logo on their flags and banners. That organization is doomed. Not only is it all based upon lies, but their collective upraised fist is a clear act of defiance against God. It’s not going to get better for any of these people. The more they harden their hearts to continue in their deceptions, the worse it will get for them. Think Pharaoh vs Moses as a dependable pattern. God doesn’t change, and today He is still working the same plan, using His judgments to bring deliverance from slavery. (On that point, it is interesting to consider that God made sure the Hebrews got their 400 years of back wages when they plundered the Egyptians on the way out. I think the people in our generation have some back wages, too, and I think there is a good future awaiting us if we can keep it.)
God is a God of love, but He is also a God of justice. He might bear long with folks to give them time to mend their ways, but when the day comes for justice to be done, they had better not be found still hatching their evil plots. As far as I can tell, we are not waiting anymore. That day of recompense is here, and it is the humble who will come through it to the other side unscathed, the ones who respect God and refrain from doing evil because they know He is watching.
Be good. Love God. Look to the end, not the middle, and hold the line. We are almost there.
A true man and a patriot! :)