White House Fires Back at Greg Abbott as Migrants Arrive in D.C.
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The primary election is over in Texas and the only choice is Gov. Abbott or Beto O'Rourke. As a Texan, given that choice, I will stick with Abbott.
I thought there was a 3rd person. I hate that for you guys.
In reality, Gov Abbott is not as bad as he may seem. When our State Constitution was drafted many years ago there was a deliberate effort to severely limit the power of all state office holders. As a consequence, the office of Texas Governor is the weakest of all states. The Governor can make speeches and issue proclamations but does not have control over any of the major functions or office holders of state government. Many of us believe limiting and dispersing power in our state government is a good thing. Letting them talk doesn’t hurt as long as they don’t try to do anything.