posted ago by Semmelweis ago by Semmelweis +10 / -1

First Vaccine/Project Warp Speed, speeding up the deep states plan, or truly believes in the vaccine. I'm of the former belief, Q only weighed in a couple times (post 1010, 1011, 4285, 4306), but one can allude that with the Rothschild and Vaccine link that this was the precursor to Warp Speed. Still don't understand him promoting it and causing damage, but maybe wargame'd out be the best path forward.

Endorsing Dr. Oz, only for a W, or ???? I haven't heard any good reason why he endorsed him, except for "nobody that will be able to compete" which is essentially the same as doing it for the win.

"What's going on in Ukraine is genocide". Could be a double entendre alluding to Ukraine's mistreatment of the individuals in the Donbass and Luhansk areas.

Could be that he's setting himself up to be the villain to MAGA so they warm up to Desantis or another heir to throne. I always hoped Jr. would take a more active role in the political arena, but imagine he's waiting for Sr. to pass the mantle. Rumors of health issues floating around, but I'm dismissive of those until they come from Trump's mouth.

Sidenote: Jack Maxey's newfound data is dubious to me, but perhaps Trump got one of Hunter's laptops, maybe in the ball he got from Putin since Hunter loses them to Russian whores all the time. The ball has been acknowledged to contain a NFC, I don't believe it's one of the three Russian footballs (believe the Bonfire video alluded to that).

His rallies are still on point, but curious what the landscape will look like post midterm election. I'm hoping Trump reclaims his office and doesn't procrastinate until 2024. I want to be very happy soon! If he decides to pass the mantle and not run for another term after that I'm fine with it as it will be the end of a chapter but still the story will go on!

Seems a bit boring tonight, so figured I'd post my thoughts! Any insights?