So sadly powerful , I wish I had more of these videos , I had some saved but they got erased by gmail !
I have people who desperately need to see this and wake up , I pray they do ! I thank God that I was fully awake before this demonic attack happened to our world , I thank God that I turned my back on the medical system years ago and knew without any question not to take any jab that they have come out with over the years , no matter what kind of problems develop in my life , nothing will take the joy away from me from the understanding that I am awake, for this alone I am forever grateful !
I had to go to see a Prof at the Hospital the other day and I was talking to the receptionist while waiting and as usual, I always seem to get steer the conversation toward the vaccines. I told her about my Sis in law losing her sight and having high blood pressure all of a sudden since she had to take the Vax(I know...for work)...She then told me that more than half the staff at the hospital were also reporting problems with their sight as well as high blood pressure and Memory loss as they were all "forced" to take the vax otherwise they lose their jobs...Its Disgusting what's taken place, but I truly believe that Justice will be done someday....soon I hope...
I'm sorry about your sis in law and for every one who were forced to take this ! I know many say they weren't forced , but when you are looking to lose your house , no food to buy your kids ,, if you don't have savings or investment to pay your mortgage or rent and you are looking to be on the streets with your kids or some shelter. Yes you were forced , we will do anything to protect our kids ,, I know people say if you die u can't protect them but it's a gamble that many were forced into . I'm supporting my 30 yr old special needs daughter , autism , she needs round the clock care givers , I have a mortgage etc , if I was looking at being on the streets with her ( no family to go to ) I honestly would have prob taken it , I have to protect her with a home . I'm blessed I have my own business I'm so grateful for this but many I feel had no choice . If you have money in the bank and no kids to feed its different if you took it , but those living pay check to paycheck ...what a disgrace that they had to chose this death shot , Justice for these people is my prayer !
It's easy to say "they were warned" or "they didn't have to" or even "they were just unlucky", but the fact remains that this jab roll-out was poison before it even began. We know this based on patent history (Dr. David Martin), based on the history of mRNA animal trials, and the incomplete human clinical trials. Add to this the sheer pressure from family, friends, co-workers, bosses, doctors, and politicians... well, suffice to say I would not blame or condescend these victims for their choice, uninformed as it was.
It's hard to keep perspective, to be kind, when many of us here at GAW shrug off that pressure and persevere regardless. Even for us, it's hard to keep ignoring that pressure, especially when our jobs are at stake! But I hope to God that these people (and all of us, honestly) get justice, and that this crime against humanity never happens again.
The people who did this to our brothers and sister must pay, and pay severely. They deserve nothing more that pain and death for what they have done, every last one of them.
So sadly powerful , I wish I had more of these videos , I had some saved but they got erased by gmail ! I have people who desperately need to see this and wake up , I pray they do ! I thank God that I was fully awake before this demonic attack happened to our world , I thank God that I turned my back on the medical system years ago and knew without any question not to take any jab that they have come out with over the years , no matter what kind of problems develop in my life , nothing will take the joy away from me from the understanding that I am awake, for this alone I am forever grateful !
I had to go to see a Prof at the Hospital the other day and I was talking to the receptionist while waiting and as usual, I always seem to get steer the conversation toward the vaccines. I told her about my Sis in law losing her sight and having high blood pressure all of a sudden since she had to take the Vax(I know...for work)...She then told me that more than half the staff at the hospital were also reporting problems with their sight as well as high blood pressure and Memory loss as they were all "forced" to take the vax otherwise they lose their jobs...Its Disgusting what's taken place, but I truly believe that Justice will be done someday....soon I hope...
I'm sorry about your sis in law and for every one who were forced to take this ! I know many say they weren't forced , but when you are looking to lose your house , no food to buy your kids ,, if you don't have savings or investment to pay your mortgage or rent and you are looking to be on the streets with your kids or some shelter. Yes you were forced , we will do anything to protect our kids ,, I know people say if you die u can't protect them but it's a gamble that many were forced into . I'm supporting my 30 yr old special needs daughter , autism , she needs round the clock care givers , I have a mortgage etc , if I was looking at being on the streets with her ( no family to go to ) I honestly would have prob taken it , I have to protect her with a home . I'm blessed I have my own business I'm so grateful for this but many I feel had no choice . If you have money in the bank and no kids to feed its different if you took it , but those living pay check to paycheck ...what a disgrace that they had to chose this death shot , Justice for these people is my prayer !
It's easy to say "they were warned" or "they didn't have to" or even "they were just unlucky", but the fact remains that this jab roll-out was poison before it even began. We know this based on patent history (Dr. David Martin), based on the history of mRNA animal trials, and the incomplete human clinical trials. Add to this the sheer pressure from family, friends, co-workers, bosses, doctors, and politicians... well, suffice to say I would not blame or condescend these victims for their choice, uninformed as it was.
It's hard to keep perspective, to be kind, when many of us here at GAW shrug off that pressure and persevere regardless. Even for us, it's hard to keep ignoring that pressure, especially when our jobs are at stake! But I hope to God that these people (and all of us, honestly) get justice, and that this crime against humanity never happens again.
The people who did this to our brothers and sister must pay, and pay severely. They deserve nothing more that pain and death for what they have done, every last one of them.