AIDS found to originate from heavy "poppers" (highly toxic nitrite inhalant drug) usage among male homosexual community and the disease is NOT contagious. This has been known since 1981 - but was totally suppressed by the powers-that-be.
SOURCE: America's Frontline Doctors
The article says that nitrites are toxic to the lungs and immune cells, and that damage was what lead to AIDS and especially Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, which did kill about 16,000 gay men because FAUCI would not allow the use of a known cure. Imagine that. Anyway, it is a coincidence that this group showed what happens to a damaged immune system which is more important than the particular agent doing the damaging. Lots of people used poppers, gays just used them more, and after poppers were quickly banned from OTC sale, people still got AIDS.