Notice a pattern here? There is always this wait to "process this enormous amount of data" then some other group is tasked to start from the beginning and then after a few date fagging 2 weeks notice posts from one of the handful of gate keepers it gets brushed aside for the newest huge "public disclosure" that's dependent on a group of people meticulously combing through the data to prepare it for public disclosure. I don't give a shit what anyone says this is military psyops and demoralizing tactic that is not in the best interest of what we believe to be the intended goal of returning power back to the citizens. The citizens are being lied to by all sides under the guise of we have to deal with it so the fucking retard normies can handle learning the truth while at the same time being told we have to reach a precipice to force the public to change somehow which has no clearly defined outcome. We're supposed to patiently wait for the public to SEE the corruption for themselves in order to be the catalyst that's leads us to some undefined end goal objective. If this is supposed to demonstrate our government as being beyond repair then President Trump being reinstated as the rightful President would make the case that our government checks and balances functioned as intended and do not need to be overhauled. I know this is gonna get downvoted but just needed to vent.
Notice a pattern here? There is always this wait to "process this enormous amount of data" then some other group is tasked to start from the beginning and then after a few date fagging 2 weeks notice posts from one of the handful of gate keepers it gets brushed aside for the newest huge "public disclosure" that's dependent on a group of people meticulously combing through the data to prepare it for public disclosure. I don't give a shit what anyone says this is military psyops and demoralizing tactic that is not in the best interest of what we believe to be the intended goal of returning power back to the citizens. The citizens are being lied to by all sides under the guise of we have to deal with it so the fucking retard normies can handle learning the truth while at the same time being told we have to reach a precipice to force the public to change somehow which has no clearly defined outcome. We're supposed to patiently wait for the public to SEE the corruption for themselves in order to be the catalyst that's leads us to some undefined end goal objective. If this is supposed to demonstrate our government as being beyond repair then President Trump being reinstated as the rightful President would make the case that our government checks and balances functioned as intended and do not need to be overhauled. I know this is gonna get downvoted but just needed to vent.