The Satan, is always The Satan. Meaning adversary, and in general. Jesus battled the devil. A lot of this is very contemporary as in the past few hundred years since the witch trials and it comes from western Christianity.
Adepts worship devas. Or, a devil. It's not one character.
For God almighty himself said, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."
Biblical God has sovereign control. Satan is prince of demons/devils/fallen angels, called "god of this world" by Bible. Satan has a limited amount of power allowed by God for now. The "illuminati" do Satan's bidding, so they are at the top of the human power structure. These Cabal members are the ones we hope shall be defeated soon.
The Satan, is always The Satan. Meaning adversary, and in general. Jesus battled the devil. A lot of this is very contemporary as in the past few hundred years since the witch trials and it comes from western Christianity.
Adepts worship devas. Or, a devil. It's not one character.
For God almighty himself said, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."
Biblical God has sovereign control. Satan is prince of demons/devils/fallen angels, called "god of this world" by Bible. Satan has a limited amount of power allowed by God for now. The "illuminati" do Satan's bidding, so they are at the top of the human power structure. These Cabal members are the ones we hope shall be defeated soon.