Show me a D.U.M.B. and that would be one thing. Postulate their existence---and add the unicorn stables.
You just confirmed everything I said. In this forum the average user is well versed in what the typical npc automatically dismisses as conspiracy theories. If you took the time to research the phrase you'll realize it was actually created to coverup actually conspiracies and advanced technologies like DUMBs. That's where critical thinking plays a key role in surviving this age. For instance, when the vast majority of media and medical are telling you to take a vaccine that is obviously deadly, that is an actual conspiracy that's killing millions. But to your typical npc, the media labels it a conspiracy theory ( just like they do DUMBs) and get back in line for the 15th booster. Ensuring their demise.
Most conspiracies are very difficult or impossible to show direct evidence. Because it's literally in the definition of a conspiracy. But if you have an IQ over 110 and understand basic deduction, even a 3rd grader can confirm to a high enough degree that many of these conspiracies are valid, even though they can not lay eyes on. This idea you need visual proof of something like DUMBs to seriously consider they actually exist with a high likeliness, is proof you're still an npc to some degree and still not thinking enough to survive this age. For instance, did you take the vaccine? If you did, you have a very high chance of not seeing 2033. If you didn't that's great but a billion+ people didn't have the critical faculties strong enough to dodge that bullet. The vast majority of those walking dead almost certainly dismiss the probability of DUMBs, as well.
This is why I have little patience for this mindset you have. It's literally getting people killed and for the last 50 years, has continuously contributed to the death and destruction of countless more as society is repeatedly lulled back to sleep by the rhythmic drum of dismissal of valid, dangerous conspiracies by the few paying attention. Only to be drowned out by npcs that won't even think for 20 seconds to see if it's true. This automatic dismissal of DUMBs simply because you can't see it is a test of your ability to think critically and you failed.
It means your ability to think to several degrees and designate a potential threat despite what your eyes are telling you, is not there yet. If you don't start thinking enough to the point that you come to the logical conclusion that DUMBs almost certainly exist, you are likely not going to survive what's to come. As the globalist agents are the masters of conspiracy and have many more tricks in store for us and every single one of them are going to be wrapped in a pretty white lie that your typical npc is not going to be able to differentiate. Seriously. Consider what I am saying as you and your families lives depends upon your ability to think critically and as far as I can tell, you are in extreme danger of being over taken by the next conspiracy you're likely to flippantly dismiss as a conspiracy theory.
All this blather and not one iota of evidence. I'm not impressed. I have had a career based in industry, engineering, and defense systems. I'm aware of underground constructions. The Russians have gone much farther in that direction than we have. I am also aware of the huge problems they entail and why there is no reason to build underground laboratories. (You mainly see them in badly-written science fiction horror movies.)
Because I am trained in the scientific method and logic, I know perfectly well that you cannot prove something exists by pure logic alone. Modern astrophysics is contaminated by that nonsense ("Big Bang"). You are engrossed in what is called a delusion. Instead of offering evidence, you try rhetorical tricks of insulting me ("this mindset") and guilt-tripping me ("your families lives depend upon your ability to think critically"). You are the one who is failing to think critically---which is to be critical of your own conclusions.
You continue to prove my point. The entire point of a DUMB is to avoid detection. Just as the SR71 wasn't known about for decades, so to would be the case for DUMBs. Providing concrete proof of it is impossible and to ask for it is just obtuse. It requires logical deduction and of course it's not going to be 100% but it's still high enough probability that it can be considered a strong possibility. Much like dark matter. We can't see it or even detect it but through basic calculations, we assume it must exist. Again, basic logical thinking. Noticed you didn't say if you took the vaccine or not. The case is closed on your ability to think getting you hurt, if you did take it.
There are easier ways to avoid detection. You are grasping at straws. The SR-71 was kept above ground in hangars, a clear example against your argument. Have you never read Edgar Allen Poe's story, "The Purloined Letter," in which something was hidden by placing it in plain view?
Asking for evidence is always pertinent, since you cannot will something into existence by "deduction." I've been in very secret places, but no one would know they were there. You also have a very mistaken notion of probability. Probability is NOT a guessing game; it is a calculation. The minute you start waving your arms, it is a tell that you don't know anything about probability.
What dark matter? Violates the cosmological assumption that everything is the same on all scales. Again, you can't prove a suspicion by referring to a speculation. And you can't prove anything by quizzing me on my medical history. The way matters stand, you can't prove anything.
And you can't prove anything by quizzing me on my medical history.
Proving you were aloof enough to take it. Confirming my entire point. Listen to you ramble about the 71 hiding in plan sight while that venom courses through your veins. The irony.
Show me a D.U.M.B. and that would be one thing. Postulate their existence---and add the unicorn stables.
You just confirmed everything I said. In this forum the average user is well versed in what the typical npc automatically dismisses as conspiracy theories. If you took the time to research the phrase you'll realize it was actually created to coverup actually conspiracies and advanced technologies like DUMBs. That's where critical thinking plays a key role in surviving this age. For instance, when the vast majority of media and medical are telling you to take a vaccine that is obviously deadly, that is an actual conspiracy that's killing millions. But to your typical npc, the media labels it a conspiracy theory ( just like they do DUMBs) and get back in line for the 15th booster. Ensuring their demise.
Most conspiracies are very difficult or impossible to show direct evidence. Because it's literally in the definition of a conspiracy. But if you have an IQ over 110 and understand basic deduction, even a 3rd grader can confirm to a high enough degree that many of these conspiracies are valid, even though they can not lay eyes on. This idea you need visual proof of something like DUMBs to seriously consider they actually exist with a high likeliness, is proof you're still an npc to some degree and still not thinking enough to survive this age. For instance, did you take the vaccine? If you did, you have a very high chance of not seeing 2033. If you didn't that's great but a billion+ people didn't have the critical faculties strong enough to dodge that bullet. The vast majority of those walking dead almost certainly dismiss the probability of DUMBs, as well.
This is why I have little patience for this mindset you have. It's literally getting people killed and for the last 50 years, has continuously contributed to the death and destruction of countless more as society is repeatedly lulled back to sleep by the rhythmic drum of dismissal of valid, dangerous conspiracies by the few paying attention. Only to be drowned out by npcs that won't even think for 20 seconds to see if it's true. This automatic dismissal of DUMBs simply because you can't see it is a test of your ability to think critically and you failed.
It means your ability to think to several degrees and designate a potential threat despite what your eyes are telling you, is not there yet. If you don't start thinking enough to the point that you come to the logical conclusion that DUMBs almost certainly exist, you are likely not going to survive what's to come. As the globalist agents are the masters of conspiracy and have many more tricks in store for us and every single one of them are going to be wrapped in a pretty white lie that your typical npc is not going to be able to differentiate. Seriously. Consider what I am saying as you and your families lives depends upon your ability to think critically and as far as I can tell, you are in extreme danger of being over taken by the next conspiracy you're likely to flippantly dismiss as a conspiracy theory.
All this blather and not one iota of evidence. I'm not impressed. I have had a career based in industry, engineering, and defense systems. I'm aware of underground constructions. The Russians have gone much farther in that direction than we have. I am also aware of the huge problems they entail and why there is no reason to build underground laboratories. (You mainly see them in badly-written science fiction horror movies.)
Because I am trained in the scientific method and logic, I know perfectly well that you cannot prove something exists by pure logic alone. Modern astrophysics is contaminated by that nonsense ("Big Bang"). You are engrossed in what is called a delusion. Instead of offering evidence, you try rhetorical tricks of insulting me ("this mindset") and guilt-tripping me ("your families lives depend upon your ability to think critically"). You are the one who is failing to think critically---which is to be critical of your own conclusions.
You continue to prove my point. The entire point of a DUMB is to avoid detection. Just as the SR71 wasn't known about for decades, so to would be the case for DUMBs. Providing concrete proof of it is impossible and to ask for it is just obtuse. It requires logical deduction and of course it's not going to be 100% but it's still high enough probability that it can be considered a strong possibility. Much like dark matter. We can't see it or even detect it but through basic calculations, we assume it must exist. Again, basic logical thinking. Noticed you didn't say if you took the vaccine or not. The case is closed on your ability to think getting you hurt, if you did take it.
There are easier ways to avoid detection. You are grasping at straws. The SR-71 was kept above ground in hangars, a clear example against your argument. Have you never read Edgar Allen Poe's story, "The Purloined Letter," in which something was hidden by placing it in plain view?
Asking for evidence is always pertinent, since you cannot will something into existence by "deduction." I've been in very secret places, but no one would know they were there. You also have a very mistaken notion of probability. Probability is NOT a guessing game; it is a calculation. The minute you start waving your arms, it is a tell that you don't know anything about probability.
What dark matter? Violates the cosmological assumption that everything is the same on all scales. Again, you can't prove a suspicion by referring to a speculation. And you can't prove anything by quizzing me on my medical history. The way matters stand, you can't prove anything.
And you can't prove anything by quizzing me on my medical history.
Proving you were aloof enough to take it. Confirming my entire point. Listen to you ramble about the 71 hiding in plan sight while that venom courses through your veins. The irony.