... ruled by an evil entity. We show our devotion to time by keeping his image (the clock) with us where ever we go
We worry and stress about time. We live by time.
Satan = Saturn = Chronos = Time
If the cabal must show us disclosure, what do they disclose most often?
Two sources that spell it out a little clearer:
- A movie with two titles: Flashback (2020) and The Location of Frederick Fitzell (2020)
- Back to the Future Symbolism
Your input is welcome. Does this rabbit hole go anywhere?
Time is Energy harvesting also...so you are on to something. In my opinion, our birth certificates and social security numbers set us into a system. This system puts us into a slavery bondage type situation. Time is the whip they use on us. Work is a time sink...Everything. We spend so much time...like we spend Energy. It's all a trap. I know I sound crazy. Here is my scenario...in my opinion this world is a mix of the Matrix, Monsters inc, (Insert magic show). Magick is real, they use it against us.....The evil eye is proof enough of this. But need more proof? The English language is all spells, they cadence we use and what not. Also onto the work thing...you must sign the contract......sign over your soul essentially for 8 hours...give your energy...is exchange for currency. Current- Sea. Energy-Sea.