That passage is so powerful. By itself it explains the purpose of the entire Holy Bible.
It's pretty cool. He talked about us pedes in there too, you know, albeit in a general, indirect way:
(15-18, NLT) I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one. They do not belong to this world any more than I do. Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth. Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world.
Much of our research has exposed the cultists, proving they exist. And by that proof, showing yet others that God in fact, also exists. Not only that, but that He is on our side.
Pretty cool huh?
It's true... we get chosen out of the world. Some people really do chose evil and get devoured for doing so. I've seen it. I believe past generations ACTUALLY realized this and lived by it (awake). But after a few generations it became viewed as more of a 'religion' and we need to have another Great Awakening.
"There's a long black train, comin' down the line..."
"But cha know there's VIC-TREEE, in The Lord, I say..."
pepewarrior, thank you SO VERY MUCH for reminding me of that video/song. It was like a sweet, loving Sunday-school lesson, every time I got to watch it. And - in a way - that video illustrated the very comments you've posted.
GBY & your loved ones! VIC-TREE, in THE LORD!
Thank you. Yes, we will have VIC-TREE
The Victor upon His Tree...His Story, our History.
Wow! Amen!
Just a little on-the-spot inspiration for you. 😉
1 THESSALONIANS 5:21- Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
There they go again, talking about us! ☺️
we R diggers!! i use this a lot when requesting sauce, especially when the topic is spiritually related