as a sufferer myself with years of experience under my belt I can say to you this... WORK OUT... HARD!! FIND A HOBBY... for me its golf and guitar.. even if u cant afford golf u can find a local course with a good driving range and chipping/putting area. you will be outside, connected to the grass and dirt and focused on progressing through something that is very difficult to get decent to good at. put in some headphones, listen to music and enjoy some physical activity outside then go workout!! another tip is dont dwell on mistakes and insecurity but thats a tough one i know.. works it self out if you work out tho. if you hate it.. go jog. go disc golf. go hike. just fucking GO. look up at the sky and say "thank you for all of this"... good luck and God bless!
as a sufferer myself with years of experience under my belt I can say to you this... WORK OUT... HARD!! FIND A HOBBY... for me its golf and guitar.. even if u cant afford golf u can find a local course with a good driving range and chipping/putting area. you will be outside, connected to the grass and dirt and focused on progressing through something that is very difficult to get decent to good at. put in some headphones, listen to music and enjoy some physical activity outside then go workout!! another tip is dont dwell on mistakes and insecurity but thats a tough one i know.. works it self out if you work out tho. if you hate it.. go jog. go disc golf. go hike. just fucking GO. look up at the sky and say "thank you for all of this"... good luck and God bless!